
I'll go on record saying I really loved that film.

Or the family is writing his obituary in a way that they are comfortable with at a painful point in their lives. Perhaps they don't want "suicide" to pull focus from the rest of the tribute they're writing. (Sure, that's an entirely different discussion; why is suicide so shameful? But that's a philosophical

Also, maybe don't try to get credit for it without saying it? That's just as gross, if not worse. This poor man died, and Ghostbusters was hardly the entirety of his existence. You don't need to apologize for denying us your razor-sharp wit for the sake of propriety.

Come on, man. You're not "letting someone else" make it, you're trying to get credit for making it, without coming across as a total dick. Don't be that guy.

"Tap dancing" makes it sound gleeful. "Skirting" came to mind, for me.

Justin feels really underwritten.

I was being facetious when I said anyone had to read about Kardashian pregnancies, yes.

Petersen tends to put celebrity culture into a larger historic/cultural context that is extensively researched and actually pretty damn compelling. Her writing about early Hollywood, and studio system-era Hollywood, is fascinating stuff; I'd argue she extends that to modern celeb culture, for better or worse. She

Enjoyed this one, but am definitely done with the way films are mis-marketed — the past couple years it seems to have gotten worse. I'm glad I saw this, but I live in a city where it costs $800 for one movie ticket, so I wish I'd had a better idea of what I was getting into. (I wanted to see an evil woodland sprite,

To be fair, that's a good one.

Nope. Sometimes they feel like relief, accomplishment, and like things are lightening the hell up.

It's a special day for your mother too, bro.

That wasn't car trouble. That was her plan working more effectively than she wanted it to — she likely forgot to put it in neutral when she was creating friction for it to be pushed out of the sand.

Yeah…that's what she said.

I highly recommend you look up the golden retriever trying to steal the pool floaty too. If you're into that kind of thing.

This is kind of like visual ASMR. Chills, so satisfying.

Ok, then I guess I just disliked her personality.

If it WAS the point, I wish it hadn't been dragged out over a number of episodes. Make it the point for a one, one-and-a-half episode arc. I agree; this was tedious and painful.

I think I just didn't like Francesca — she was fine as a friend in Italy, but as a love interest, I had no sympathy and wasn't rooting for her.

There just seems to be a genuine absence of financial anxiety, as well as roommates and small living spaces. That doesn't seem terribly realistic for people who aren't living on trust funds, in that city.