
Arnold has just the best, comfy little apartment. And it looks big.

He's great in The Station Agent. Really good flick, too.

I hated what they did with Chef Jeff. There were so many moments where the character seemed fleshed out because the writers avoided the obvious. He'd seem interested in a woman, but only for Dev's sake, and he sounded like he was genuinely a family man. He was intense, but at the end of the day, really about lifting

I did the same! I paused, like oh, they're kissing through glass, skip ahead…

Also she strung him along in such an intolerable way. Dude, you don't get drunk in your underwear around friends like that, especially if you are of the same orientation. She knew what she was doing. And it was really gross.

I kept hoping the woman he had lunch with on his birthday would show up. She was way more fun, and didn't they establish she lives in NY?

I dreaded Francesca episodes, and did not enjoy them at all.

No, she repeats "24 Hitlers" back to him

Not a fan of the character, but I find Thewlis is above reproach.

Yeah, I got annoyed at the comment, "hey, he's spewing so much b.s. so bad teeth!" Nah, it's all that stomach bile.

The talky-for-talkiness' sake villains kind of try my patience every season

So much love for Chris D. Did you watch Up All Night? His character, Julian, was transcendent.

Please all off-screen. I find her insufferable.

I didn't think her character on Enlightened was pathetic.

RIP. I just revisited how ridiculous the pretense of corpse-fucking was. That movie was…something, wasn't it?

Because missing off a malignant narcissist is not something you want to do. So you probably do damage-control by not trying to humiliate him.

Mama always said "bring cab fare." But that was in the days when online dating wasn't a thing; it assumed that you were going out with someone you already knew, to get to know them better.

Let greater judges than this dinkus decide her fate, then

Money/age can't buy you class.

Yeah, wtf, AV Club?