
Depends on the area. You could get a studio for that (probably one without a full kitchen) in a part of town with less, oh, walkability.

"No offense, but I have to be singing tonight!" is also how I skip out on picking up the check.

When I was a kid, our beaches were regularly shut down due to high e. coli counts. I went to high school with a kid who claimed he got Hep A from swimming in the ocean (which is actually quite possible) — just to provide some context.

I guess it is true that there are people in our lives, who we think, "How do they, like, exist?" The Kramers of the world. The people who should not have their rental applications approved, but do. They're ephemeral creatures. Randy is, perhaps, an ephemeral creature.

They have an argument in the middle of the mall, he goes to the store and flips out, and drags him out of the store, they go to the food court that he's mildly obsessed with, and that's when they have their heart-to-heart.

No, he said it was $850 for rent.

Didn't he ruin that goodwill prior to that, at the store? It's like he gains some of it back at the foodcourt. Also how does he have a place to pay rent when he has no clear source of income?

Is there anything more tedious than a card game scene?

Yeah, he's not written as a real person with any kind of self-awareness.

I find him more likable this season, largely because he's being cast less as some kind of unlikely sex god. And he's nicer.

I'm sorry to hear that! I hope it goes well. I know what it's like to miss an old neighborhood.

No, you're right. But they're enjoying that heady false closeness that can come with being high.

So you can just argue in Chinese restaurant kitchens in Brooklyn? Another point for the East Coast, I guess.

Nothing in that episode but the DRUGS, you mean.

The fashion sense is weirdly dowdy. A lot of overalls. It's maybe an aesthetic driven by arrogance in how attractive one is, so they can wear any damn thing.

What I like better about this season (so far; and no spoilers, I promise) is that it MOSTLY dispenses with tacked-on obstacles, like everyone throwing figurative motel room keys at Gus for reasons the audience does not understand. (Again, Rust and his wife right the show, so maybe it's fantasy born of their couple

Yes! I said it elsewhere, but the writers' M.O. last season seemed to be to get Gus into bed with unbelievably attractive women, then to, yeah, retcon them as crazy (because of course, a crazy character is not a sympathetic character, or something?), so that Gus had an excuse to treat them horribly. And the show had

That Canadian actress is too horrible a person to be believable. "I watched myself die" — a bit over the top.

Come on. She clearly wasn't kidding.

You don't live in L.A., do you?