
I agree. Knowing that Rust and his wife write the show, it bothered me that Gus kept bedding interesting women (who, sure, in real life we wouldn't necessarily couple him with), then the women were subsequently written as too crazy, almost to justify Gus's shit behavior toward them.

Yes, I so often wish the three of them were on a better show. The other actors aren't up to their level, so I think I hold the rest of the cast complicit in the terrible writing? But I guess I think of Sterling K Brown and his wife and "father" more as victims of a subpar show, isn't that weird?

It's not a position, it's a common guilty pleasure for a lot of people. I'm hardly an anomaly, so I don't really feel a need to explain myself to you — I mean, could you have been any more crass with the genre examples you gave me? (By the way, who identifies as a 'Schindler's List' kind of person?)

Yes! It's so waspy, and you half expect a "Buffy" to speak in a mid-Atlantic accent.

It's the aesthetic Grimm is still using, which turned me off to Grimm.

Yes. This article kind of falls over itself to distance from what was a really fun movie.

But TV at the time didn't have a very high bar, so how were you to know? I get it.

I watched this movie quite a few times when it first came out, it became a moderate family classic. I didn't know the Whedon origin story, so when the show came on, I resented it for taking itself too seriously. I always had an aversion for how it distanced itself from the movie (I know: ha!).

I don't really understand how chemo (I assume?) or surgery and a hairstyle associated with the Third Reich have anything to do with each other, but sure.

It's very Hitler youth.

or ways to decompress.

No. It's really not a good show.

Also, theater reviewers don't have assistants. Your call to a reviewer goes straight through to the reviewer.

Variety is the spice of life, though, and there is also so much good TV on. It's fun to switch it up.

Don't speak for her. I hate-watch the show too. It's fun because it's such bad, heavy-handed writing, and I want so much better for Sterling K. Brown, and I can't believe such treacle is on, let alone gets decent reviews anywhere (let alone avclub). So I hate-watch and hate-tweet. The human moments aren't that real,

Not at all.

Yeah, it should've been a lovable neighborhood transient (or like, a guy who's a little off and living in his rich parents' spare house). Some guy who wiles away his days at the lake, feeding the ducks. "Hey, I noticed you have perishables out here" would've been a neighborhood eccentric thing to say.

I think you're giving this show/the writers' room way too much credit for subtlety. We see the drunk driving death from a mile away and so, yes, that's probably exactly how it will go down.

Yeahhhh but I don't think syphilis takes you that fast.