
But can you imagine being on the other end of the phone from Kate? That wasn't cool.

I've found bedside manner sorely lacking in the ER in the past. Agree to disagree.

Uy. Compartmentalizing their past so he could approach her compassionately and as a doctor, yes, that was professional.

I agree! I thought for a while I disliked Adam Driver, but I think that's a bit rash. The only time I've actually enjoyed him is the time he freaked out and ran across time while Facetiming Hannah, because he knew she wasn't well and was having an OCD episode. He brings out the worst in Jessa, too, and watching them

But it's not his job to trash or diagnose a client's ex-partner.

I realized this episode I do not enjoy watching Adam act at all.

Yeah but if you're prone to UTIs, sometimes your doctor will give you an extra course to keep on hand for the next one. …I hear.

Patrick Wilson was so great, so professional, so believably compassionate in this episode. I'm kind of glad it was him delivering the news. But what the hell, Hannah? You had expired antibiotics and you didn't think to take them? The worst they could be is not quite strong enough; even I wouldn't have lugged myself to

Yes, he is a terrible counselor.

That drug counselor was THE WORST! Throwing around diagnoses on Marnie and (I'm just gonna say it) enabling his client's bullshit. I really felt for Marnie, even though she didn't exactly play it right either.

Yeah, and yet we're to believe no other, more experienced teacher in the school wanted the gig.

Yeah, Jess as principal is not that believable to me. It's kind of like Mindy as a doctor, when she never seems that stressed about actual medical knowledge, or making any tough calls. She just shows up to work sometime and happens to be ::grabs from hat:: oh, a doctor! Or a principal!

Who would ever put their cat up for grabs by "settling this?" No. That's your damn cat. You don't just propose some weird test of cat just to make a mediocre joke about cat-calling.

*would have liked to meet my son's father is the actual quote.

Everything's political, babe.

It was unrealistic because it wasn't earned — not by Kevin's character arc, not by how human beings operate. There wasn't enough presented for him to think it was life or death, and it was just a pointless sacrifice that (judging by a lot of the other comments here) rang hollow. Oh cool, Kevin was kind of a terrible

It was fine. But Moonstruck has so much else going for it. I rewatched it a couple weeks ago and it only gets more endearing. There's a complete little world that it takes place in; not so with My Best Friend's Wedding, as I recall.

I'm not missing the point — an insulting accusation on a show so obvious. It's not a realistic choice he made, it didn't ring heroic because it didn't ring true.

From anyone else, it would be acknowledging they were rushing. From Toby it was punishment, because he is very controlling.

Kate AND the show mistakes grand gestures for love.