Lol. I consider all trolls of the highest order. This particular one is always lurking...
Lol. I consider all trolls of the highest order. This particular one is always lurking...
Dismiss that fool in gray. A troll of the highest order.
Yes. I love the sleeves, cut, and style.
SHE can’t say that tho. She knows. But she can call me and I will damn sure say it for her.
Please people in South Carolina. Vote Messy Coward Graham out of office. If you can’t stomach voting for a Democrat. Stay home. If you are as tired as those of us in the black community but you just dont have in you to protest, say Black Lives Matter, do anything....Then do nothing....Come November stay home. If you…
Word! Thanks so much for this! If only more people understood that voting is important for more than just president.
THIS IS INFURIATING! The FBI, The FBI!!!!!!!!!!! The same fucks that allowed trump to get away with TREASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM BOUT TO BEAT MY PHONE IM TYPING SO HARD AND AN SO PISSED. MAN, THEY PUSHING US TO THE EDGE. Some of us been ready to give them what they want. I'm so fucking tired of this shit.
You are so right. I’m glad that my 22 year old son is getting his grown man steez on. I love it. He started to love it as well when older women started coming on to him. ☺ At first, it was so hard to get him into that type of dressing. I used to tell him ALL the time. Women want men who are neat, clean, and smells…
Word. Lol. I bet he smells devine. I love a man that smells good. Along with his fineness.
What about his bosses many crimes? I can’t wait to help vote all republicans out of office. Fuck every single one of them. Evil. Corrupt. They might as well wipe their asses with the constitution. The original one cause it don’t mean shit to these people. They are doing everything they can to try and keep their so…
Yes. Lord, he fine fine.
Now that, my good sir, is a wonderful idea!
Not the Kid Rock of Kanyes!!!! I have needed all of the laughs I’ve gotten from The Root writers and commenters this week. It has been really hard to not lose it. Thank you so much each and everyone one of you that is able to bring some levity to all of the situations we are struggling thru. Much love,
It’s sickening. My stomach actually turned. I hope the families sue. Maybe they can't but I wish there was something that could be done about this.
Have this thought. You probably ARE racist. Why? Hit dogs holler. If you come to The Root and feel any way other than empathy and sympathy, then yes. Maybe check yourself and your privilege and NOT come to a site for and by black folks. Clearly, you are not there to learn like the majority of the none POC that come to…
Stop it. Lol. Be best. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lets not mock a person form of protest as long as it's none violent. At this point I willing put in some moves for the cause. Even with my one bad knee. Lol. 😊
I’m not impressed.
Well well, punk ass bitches do what punk ass bitches do. Be punk ass bitches. Is this yall king, magas? He’s a bitch. Putins own messy wanna be dictator. Shit is sad AF for our country.
Bruh!! Lol! Tell us how you really feel? I needed that laugh.