
Thank you for this. This is adulting. You make choices and decisions as best you can. No one and nothing is perfect. Right now, let’s get Trump and as many republicans as we can out of office. Get the Dems in and pressure them from day one if they aren’t pushing what we what. Trump giving republicans everything they

I agree with almost everything you said except about that 15 year old. Let me say first I despise Charlamaine. But his DNA was tested and he hadn't touched that girl but everything else is spot on. Especially about that Tomi chick. He seems to dog women of color but that Tomi chick he had all the love for her. 

You know why. Same thing different century. They are literally killing us. When this is over it will be black people whose population will have declined. Less people to vote against republicans. It’s all a plot. If it was white people dying at as high rates as blacks the country would still be shut down. If this

For the idoit in my comments saying I’m threatening police. Mf where? I have the freedom to speak. But where is the threat to police? You’re illiterate AF to find a threat to the law in my responses. But for the record FUCK THE POLICE and you too. Let them find this and that. Fuck Republicans. Fuck Trump. Fuck all

For you ignorant fuckers in my comments, I said what the fuck I said. Drug dealing shouldn’t equate death but of course in a majority black community this is what the fucking mayoral canadate is advocating. Fuck all of that. White folks use and sell drugs at the same rate as blacks. Hell Americas are the most

What in the actual fuck is this shit? Man, I'm tired of being tired. All my folks are upping our weapons and we are signing up for classes on tactical self defense. I'm not waiting for these dumb fucks to run up in my face. I've already told my folks. I'm bussing all the caps in these MF asses and asking questions

Still my fluttering heart!!! Someone with some sense.

Let us hope that they keep that same energy and stump for Joe Biden and get this deranged fool and his administration out of office and in jail for long sentences and dismantle everything that him and Bitch McConnell have done. Oh, arrest the members of congress who allowed this bs to go on. Fine their asses. Take all

It's less. 

We can all hope for that!

Who's cooking your grits? They didn't cook them right. I'm so sorry.

All the star for opporcoonistic!!

I love the album. They did a great body of work to me. I still listen to the album to this day. I have my favs but all in all really good music. 

You better say all of that!! 

The culture?! Everyone wins with that one. 

Bbbbbbnbbuuutttttt her EMAILS!!!!! SMH!!! Stupid pricks. 

Black Mamas ain’t playing this season. 😂😂 Becky, Karen, and 'em. Let this be a warning to ya. Stay in your lane and shit yo ass down somewhere fast. You'll soon be upgraded. Just saying. 

Heavens Gate 2020. Death by Disinfectant Injection.

Omg. My man put up a meme with one of the pics from the David Karesh situation. Lol.