
Man, you just like to have killed me. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was wondering about Nina edges myself. Lawd. I can't with you. Lol.

Fucking thank you. Bravo!!! Gawd, I just quit commenting because I get so tired of those played ass lies about Hillary. I heard someone say with a straight face last night that Elizabeth is the most qualified candidate for prez we ever had. Full MF STOP. Ok.

I don't know why this tickled me.

Iā€™ve had the same experience with ww. They are some of the most filthiest of creatures. Man, I don't know what the problem is with washing hands for them. What really kills me is, I'll be washing my hands, like normal people, and they will come out of the stall see you washing your hands, they will look at you crazyā€¦

You are a whole bitch and you and your Mama should be ashamed. Shame on you asshole. Like cdwag said check your rapist president accused by multiple women, one that is suing and she has his materials on her dress. So, Weinstein convicted. Ya boy coming up. Get ready asshole.

Brian, I donā€™t care about a difference of opinion. I care about someone, like you Iā€™m sure, but in this case Clarence Uncle Thompson used affirmative action, whether he accepts it or no, to be ON the supreme court and then used his power to hurt his own people at the bequest of some racist ass crackers. So that he canā€¦

I found him after I asked the question. Smh. I hope he's nothing like his coon ass pops. I despise him and the black folks that act like him.

Yall Clarence has a son and his name is JAMAL!!!!!!! Man, that shit is hilarious. I had to dig to find a pic. If Clarence was my Dad I wouldnā€™t claim him either. Dude has NO kids with his wife. Hmmmm, wonder why? Clarence is a disgrace. He is the epitome of a coon. You get there and you do EVERYTHING you can to be theā€¦

Clarence is the perfect example of all skin folks ain't kin folks. Smh. That blubberous fool. I wonder does him and his squid Billy have kids?Ā 

Ikr. Same here.Ā 

I tried to edit my do to due it wouldn't let me. Shit! Smh.

My question is, them mf so ā€œscared of the black manā€. Why? Could it be that racist mfs feel there just due is coming? The race war they so desperately want will come to pass and then, what, they lose again? Oh, Iā€™m sure that rn they feel so powerful to themselves and to SOME others. But one thing that none of us canā€¦

You have been on it lately. I love to see it.

Wwwwwhhhhhhyyyyy, tho? For the love of money, folks will do anything. Smh.Ā 

I know I talk alot of shit but ā™„ļø

Kinjanilla, I donā€™t have a dick. Iā€™m a female, so thereā€™s that. You, Iā€™m sure are part of the tiny weenie pecker club. Cause thatā€™s what you focused on. Assumptions have you looking like a ass but go head. I say that shit anywhere I please and ainā€™t nobody gonna do shit about it. I live in, I wish a MF would land so,ā€¦

Just what I was thinking. Lol. You are lurking in my head.

Lol. Where? Iā€™m ready to order. I already know how I want to rock my hair. Outfit and all. I'm going ALL the way uppity. Hell might even do some sneakers in uppity. Cause you know how we uppity negros do, all extra and shit but that's how we roll. Lol.Ā 

I gotcha! Lol. Thatā€™s hilarious. Ooh, cant get the name plate without the big hoop earrings. Lol.

I will be watching that. Iā€™m a uppity negro myself with a flare of I was born with no fucks to give. I love seeing my people with that attitude and swag. Thatā€™s what gets under folks skin. Being confronted with the fact that they are mediocre at best. Heā€™s a man that is who he is and YOU will respect that and him.ā€¦