It should be complaint. With your judgemental ass but here you go fucking up using the wrong word.
It should be complaint. With your judgemental ass but here you go fucking up using the wrong word.
Digital blackface? What?!?! Lol. Ok. You’re a whole ass sometimes. Happy now. I hope some of yall are scholars and are perfect all the time. So judgemental about nothing. All this shit going on in this world and that is what you choose to focus on. That’s so funny to me. I am a black lady. So digital blackface. I had…
I love you too. You seem like my kind of person. I took the approach that I didn’t want him learning from porn (cause they definitely watch it and they are definitely getting by their parents) or learning from only men. My sons dad wasn’t in his life so I had to be both Mom and some kinda Dad. Lol. So I gave my…
I love you too. You seem like my kind of person. I took the approach that I didn’t want him learning from porn…
Tuffy, damn right because that was my mood today. You in my comments commenting so guess you have time too.
Anna, I haven’t deleted any comments on this thread. I’m not sure what that’s about. Lol. Glad your entertained. Hopefully, you can be informed as well. Sometimes I feel like teaching sometimes I feel going in. Really tho I give these commenters what they give me.
My feelings remain. I said what I said.
I can agree that Snoop and 50 aren’t the best for this situation. I can also agree with those women not having the same energy for white predators and that’s were my problem with her and the others comes in at. I’ve been giving Oprah the side eye for years on a different matter.
Thanks, we had all those other conversations that you mentioned as well. The head etiquette one that was funny as hell too. I know your probably thinking, head etiquette. Lol Yes. He told me something that he was doing when receiving that I wasn’t pleased with. The girl wasn’t either because she told him she wasn’t…
Thanks, we had all those other conversations that you mentioned as well. The head etiquette one that was funny as…
I dont have time for apostrophes. All this shit going on and thats what you are concerned about? Ok Whiggly.
Devil, your name fits you.
Word. Out of the mouth of babies and all that. More good news! Thank the lord for this child and his Mom. They are so cute in their matching outfits and afros.
Chad, I can deal with you at least it looks like you have some sense and sensibility. Thank God it's at least one of you out there.
I made an error with my use of their instead of they’re. Yall happy now. Damn. Smh. I'm not perfect never claimed to be.
Burner, you were featured in the clapback bag so. I have nothing for you. I dont care what you have to say nor what you think and that goes for the rest of yall butthurt crackers ass crackers that crack.
This shit outta hand.
Elhigh, I love being black and I like snakes to stay in the animal kingdom. I wouldn’t be white even if I could, Everywhere yall go even throughout history yall fuck shit up. We dont need yall gentrifying our cookouts. Go cookout with your own people where you are wanted. Your not welcome here.
Snoop has disappointmented me with this.
Yall folks are so hurt about this mythical cookout invite. Pathetic.
Lol. You should be a comedian cause you think your funny.
Joe, I’m going to ask you to get your reading comprehension skills up. What part of Ms implies a man? Bye Joe, your slow and I’m not mean to special needs people no matter how ignorant they are.