
I was one of the heroines that voted for Jones. I'm one of the heroines that called his office last week and let him know that he MIGHT lose this next election but if he doesn't vote for witnesses and to convict he DEFINITELY wont win because myself and my sisteren will make SURE he wont. Just like we made sure he

Noooooo, not, It is what it is. That's a good one when used appropriately.


Rest in power! We love you and honor you. I still pray for your parents because they could be me. 

Yeah, I got pissed when I read the comment. But I understand things may sound different in your head. But when you said, “your dumbass relatives” that set me off. Glad we can clear the air and get an understanding.

Ok. Understood. Apology accepted.

Enkidu is special. Bless their heart.

What part of immediate do you not understand? Lol. Ok. 

Heywhatwhore, my immediate family has no criminals in it thus far. I’m not worried about my folks. I'm worried about MF like you that could get access and cook up some shit cause yall are dirty snakes. I dont trust none of yall. Comments like this is why I feel how I do about all yall. Find yourself something to do

This is why I refuse to do a genetics test. Unless I can say I dont want my profile given to anyone but me and I dont want my info checked against someone else. And I want my info deleted if it’s in the system and if it’s not I would expressly put that in writing make sure that it’s done.

Fred, thanks for your words. White evangelicals are the worst. I’m glad that you are able to see. Those others are in for a rude awakening. What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul? Do they think about the damage that they have done to the broader communities of faith that they have turned their

I’ve been angry since 2016 but I will be out in force talking and encouraging people to register and then vote all those traitorous MF from office

I couldn't agree more. This is so sad.

As a writer. Lol. I’ve enjoyed reading your articles.

I think I like you Joe.

RedViolet, did you think to try being a human and having EMPATHY for others including other white women. What on the inside will come out, you and others like you are cold blooded creatures. Snakes once had legs. Can YOU guess or do you know why? Now you think about that and try to be a better human or do what you

It’s hard to trust. I dont think that I will ever not feel this way. Electing Donald J Trump was the demise of any goodwill I had. The subsequent actions or non actions of white people as a majority sealed it for me. I’m not sorry nor will I ever be. Trust is to be earned and not given. I think some of us (black

“Everybody was in the loop.” Lev Parnas and Sondland. Just a couple of the dictators men. Russias are pissing and laughing on Americas grave and it hasn’t been completely dug yet but it definitely on the way. Kiss our democracy goodbye. It taking dying breaths. 

Merryxmas the troll is the first hit dog in my comments for today. 

We been knew this about Diddy. He did all his artists dirty including Biggie. Just ask his daughter she would be glad to tell you. Faith going along to get along. He's foul af and creepy as hell.