
I’m done with you because you are clearly delusional. With this traitorous Republican party. Dude. Seriously. Bless your heart. I hope you have some heart meds cause your gonna need them. But maybe not cause yall live in delusion land. I'm going to pray for you. 

But they DID interfer in our elections in SWEEPING AND SYSTEMATIC FASHION. Yall keep missing that part. I guess cause it doesn't fit the narrative in your head. It is what it is. 

Sir, you nailed it. However....we shall see...

Ummm, we are not talking about Obama. That has nothing to do with Russias SWEEPING AND SYSTEMATIC tampering with our elections. Did you not read nor pay attention when all of this was put out by Mueller? Did you not see, hear, or pay attention when he said that Trump and his cronies obstructed justice? Smh. Reading is

Man, what?!?! I dont give a damn about the Pat's. That shit doesn't affect your life. I hope you were just joking. Bless your heart.

All yall in my comments with no facts😂. At least I got yall to read. I still dont know if yall conpremhended what you read but still I'm glad that yall trying. Awww, bless yall little hearts. 

I read the Mueller report and I have paid attention. I know it hurts to find out your mans a traitor. Again, I can tell alot of yall some Faux News consumers because yall speaking nonsense and telling lies. But that what yall do. IT IS WHAT IT IS. GET OVER IT. I have. I expect that this country will be crashing and

Im reading all of these comments from folks that don’t seem to have reading comprehension skills. People please do your research before you comment your talking points and lies. Had Russia not interfered for Trump IN SWEEPING AND SYSTEMATIC FASHION, Trump would be in prison rn for the same crimes as his lawyer,

Funny how people say Hillary lost, she should go away, etc. But fails to mention she didnt lose. The election was stolen for Trump by Russia. Trump is illegitimate. So, for once, lets remember the facts correctly. Smh. America is so fucked. 

In honor of half dollar, "get the strap". 

Im just flabbergasted and appalled by this man still having the support of AA. Especially after that racist lie he repeated about black parents. Smh. Did anyone at the church challenge him about that?  America is a great disappointment. 

One of my favorite cousins has this and I was so proud of her when she took the leap and cut off all of her hair. It was such a courageous thing to do. This was a few years back. She let everyone know and it really made her even more beautiful than before. One of the things she did to make herself feel better was

I’m just here for the comments. 👀

Me too. I just know more info is coming out. It won't matter to the repubs but at least the truth would be out.

I concur. It’s so sad that we have half our political parties giving aid and comfort to the enemy. It seems like everyday, more damning information is coming out. Pelosi did exactly right by holding those articles. I dont trust Bolton but I think he will be the last nail in trump’s coffin and once he talks and

This is just the tip of a big ass iceberg. The repubs and trump are going to crash and burn. More is coming, more people are going to roll to save their ass. Dont be surprised if members of the senate and house are charged in this crime of the century. Yall ain’t seen nothing yet. I for one, am here for all of the

I’m glad that you have been able to hold on to your hope. We need people like you. The Republican party, Trump, and Russia have just about destroyed this country. My hope is that your hope manifests something good for this country and the truth comes all the way out now. Not 10 15 years from now. 

I love you for that!

This family has went thru way too much. I lift them in my prayers. Too sad.

Think before, I know it hurts to be confronted with the fact that your Lord Orangeness is Putin bitch but he made himself this way when he turned traitor against the country. Adorable is a word that has been used to describe me so... I find the fact that you can see my adorableness...cute.