
Dude, Five Points, I’m tripping because I went to the elementary school one year. Lol. I actually went on that school field trip to the cotton plantation, the orchid, and the farm. I remember touching the cotton plants and how sharp the edges are where the cotton is. I remember reflecting even at that young age that


She is my SHERO! No one really stands up for OUR kids. WE have to be the ones to DEFEND and PROTECT!! BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!! Some lessons are only learned thru pain. Pockets or hands? so real to me because my family on my mothers side has alot of mental illness. My oldest nephew was just diagnosed with some things. It is really really hard as a family to deal sometimes. So thanks for speaking up on this subject. It is much needed. Alot of us are struggling individually and collectively.

So proud of her!!! So smart and beautiful!

And most importantly a FUCKING TRAITOR!! Russian bot. Putins grand messy bitch.

The drama. Sheesh. 

Congrats on your award and most importantly your personal growth. My sister is bipolar and reading your story reaffirms my commitment to helping her thru whatever stage she’s in. Just to let her know I’m here and I love her. Thank you so much for this. At this time in my sister life it is so needed and reading this

And to try to sully Obama name with his bullshit with the Russians.

I just call it like I see it. I’m looking at the long game. It’s only a matter of time. It won’t be this way forever cause nothing last forever and the orange one and his elk will certainly all be exposed. It’s happening now. If people paid close attention there is enough evidence to impeach and charge him with all

They are well on their way. 

Whelp the house of orange is falling down. Wonder if Russia gonna try to bail him out? Release some emails or some shit. Say hey, look at this and not at that. Omg. They have the dumbest one on the stand. What to do? What to do? Oh, the orange is about to be mighty blue. Lol. I don't know why but here yall go. Have

That was a good one.

You would win for sure.

I think I can benefit from this as well. My bf used to do it and he said that he really enjoyed but now he works 16 hours a day. So, not much time for yoga but I’m determined that we make time. It’s much needed for both of us.

Windsor is slipping not inviting y'all. I'm still going to enjoy your take tho. 

Here’s all the stars, sis. All skin folks ain't kin folks. 

Great company indeed

Waaaaaaayy to many. But he could afford them. 

Damn sure seems like it