
I’m mad cause I watched part of that trainwreck. Smh. I just had to see what Michael MF Harriot was writing about. The MF is imperative cause he the last negas alive. 

Is anyone surprised? This is the same man that has put his career in the hands of Kris. Soooooo..... Aaaaannnnddd can we revisit the decline of men that get in with those broads. More power to his coonish ass. Give him a few years he’ll be in the same boat as Koonye. 

Damn that is hot AF!

I like most of his music. Given time, he could be a great. He is very talented. He needs to have a seat right now tho.

Charlemange is garbage. 

I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. You are not alone. I was bullied and sexually harrassed in middle school and Jr high. All the teachers, everyone knew. Nobody did anything and blamed me. So, I beat the female ass that was bullying me and knocked out the two front teeth of one of my abusers in front of my other

Hmmm, I know of kids that have been ruthlessly bullied and no reports were filed because people felt that nothing would be done. Sometimes families feel helpless in their own communities. Also, is this defensiveness I sense from other parents in the community? Not wanting their kid caught up? How about let’s find out I

I just saw that dumb ass shit with the ghost. Smh. TF.

My God man, wtf? I recommend counseling for all. 


I swear I just said the same thing to my hubby. Not yet, young Prince, not yet.

Me too.

Man, I was all down and thru memory lane with that! Thanks!

There is NO justice.

Crazy AF is correct!

Whelp. You lay down with mangy dogs with fleas, you get up with mange and fleas. Love on that, Mia!

My word. I hope that notes are being taken. 

Ummm, so you say he would taste good? Oh ok. On that. Stat. Thanks for the tip. So needed that for training purposes. 

Lady, you said all of THAT! And one more time for the fools in your mentions!

What in the entire hell? Seriously? That’s all. Smh