
I have a ex friend that has fucked more black men than I have and still managed to try to defend Trump. I told her ass and I quote. “As many of the black dicks that you have jumped on, you mean to tell me you support Trump? And not the lives of the men who you fuck?” she had NO reply. We haven’t spoken since then. 

I laughed out loud at that one. Take all the damn stars🤣

Yes, brother, yes 

Daaaammmnnnnn he fine as hell!

We been fucked. It’s just more now. More fucked than we’ve ever been and hopefully no more after this but folks still outchea supporting Koonye so, all my hope is just about gone. I’m still holding on to that one sliver.

Can we just throw all the Trumpians away? 

Put him under the jail. Racist piece of shit. The ass beating would’ve been good but this is so much better.

Smh. I have no words.

I got up and danced about your comment. Yaaaaasssssssssssss!!!! Say ALL of THAT!! We dont live in a civil society. Clearly. If we did, the orange asswhipe wouldn’t be in office. Period.

Patty’s peppermint patties are salty and soggy. Oh, the irony.


Yea, somehow.

My God. I almost made it. Almost. I’m not crying, something got in my eye.

Bbbutttt, he one of the good ones.

You said THAT! Sis!

To the dumbass nitwit in the greys wondering who I’m replying too. Obviously I was replying to your mama and your cousins, if you have them.

The lawmakers need to change first. Then we can change the laws

She is beautiful.

LTD, can you read? Yall ignorant bigoted folks are a trip. Learn basic reading  comprehension skills and then respond. Otherwise, BYE!

Well said.