
Off the deep in and right into the abyss. They sliding right thru the sunken place.

kanye in the abyss, he way past the sunken place. He gone. It’s time to let him slide into the oblivion and hopefully, he’ll take the klan with him.

Yes. He get on my nerves. She would be awesome.

That man certainly can go far. Hero, indeed.

Absolutely beautiful. Well done.

That’s what my Mama has always said. I died and came back to life on that one. I wish I could give you all the stars.

This is priceless. I’m weak af.

I know what may not be clean in the greens! It’s RG3 or as I like to call him since his college days, RG the turd. I always knew he was a piece of shit.

That was beautiful. You have served Memphis well with this piece.

Thank you, Stephen. I didn’t watch, I’m with you, fuck that show. I did see the coverage afterwards. Simply, it pissed me off. It’s just what you said, trying to normalize, trying to make those dipshit Trumpsters feel good about this fuckery that they have pushed on us. I just want to tell them all, fuck you forever

Right on. Plus he didn’t tell us he didn’t care about black people when he stated that about Bush. Every time I see his face or hear his voice. I think of these two things and say, “nah, I’m good.” I still don’t fuck with him and won’t. That Trashian shit took the cake. That nigga past the sunken place, he in the

Ima bama football fan and you absolutely right. No lies detected.

I think you and Joon both have valid points. 53% of white women knew what they were doing and yet they didn’t. They knew and know what trump is and they didn’t care. They didn’t know he would be such a piece of shit. They should’ve and now they all, those that voted for him or a third party person can pat themselves

Well done😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

This. 😂😂😂😂

Oh, troll, I’m never scared either and anytime you want it. I got it for you. Good day.

Troll, so glad. He don’t support you. Stay in the greys.

Trollstoll, why don’t you take a couple of these seats. You didnt have to respond.

They can and do get my ire and as long as Kanye and the Klan taking all the of the rest of the seats then I will be more than happy to take a few of them. 😏

I didn’t read this article because I despise Kanye. But my question is why do we continue to support this joker and others in the sunken place? Can’t we leave him and the rest of them, there in that place? This Kanye sucks fake ass and he need more than pills to fix him. If he can be “fixed”.