
My grandma went to jail for that way before I was born.

Go Tiffany, black girl magic. So proud of this sister!

Oh, I forgot to add this part he was her manager and mismanagement of money is an issue for the business so it is of consequence. Which is why, a good rule of thumb is to not mix business with pleasure and family. Unless there is clear 3rd party oversite to protect all sides.

Nope your wrong I say everyone need to paid what they are owed. For what they worked for. Period. The lady being greedy isn’t cool either. I believe in doing right by people, money or otherwise. People, male or female. You missing my point or we missing each other. We can agree to disagree. He mismanaged money etc.

You framed this wonderfully. Thanks!

No sugar, if you doing what you are supposed to do as a husband and do the RIGHT THINGS. Then, no one has to say anything negative. Period. This man (Mary Ex) did not do right by her. I’m speaking on these type men. So, if you are not a hit dog , then why are you hollering or in this case commenting. I mind my

jcs, damn right if they are having sex. When did being honest with your sexual partner become such a issue? Be fucking honest, my God, it’s not that hard. If you can’t do that then your not being honest with the folks you fucking nor are honest with yourself clearly. All y’ll folks in my comments bout this shit here.

Jordon video was so beautiful. I love the premise of her surprise date. 😍 lol. I’m such a sap. Wiping tear.

Clearly you must be just like him since you so pressed. I said what I said and I meant it. Period. Y’ll got all these words for certain shit. At the end of the day you clearly didn’t read all the comments to say what you said. Get over yourself bra. Support those that support you. He spent that lady money on his

Yall folks have reading comprehension problems. When did I say it was the same issue? Its not. I know that nor did I at anytime say it was. Soooooo, this comment is again waaaay off base. People pls read and reread. If you don’t understand get someone to help you. I can’t stand a DL man. I said nothing about a bi man

Lucky, its my choice. I have no problem with people wanna do. I don’t want that. Period. Its nothing homophobic about it. I don’t hate bisexual men. I just don’t want to date them. I can be friends not lovers.

And you made me laugh😁

WhiteEbola, it is important to me because I prefer heterosexual men. Most of my friends are guys and I’ve hung with guys most of my life, cousins, and I’ve heard stories. Lol. Set outs, etc. These type of things. So, that is nothing to me. They still heterosexuals they doing all the sexual stuff with the chick so. Its

Because lucky jack. I prefer to be with a wholey heterosexual male. Period. Its not hard and there is nothing homophobic about it. That is my choice and my right not to be with a man that chose or chooses to sleep with other men. It is also my right to know that info if I’m having sex with that person. Otherwise, its

Get ‘em Mueller!

It’s so sad, you are right.

Mister Kale anyone can lay pipe, literally anyone. But your absolutely right about not everyone can do it properly. Your also right about women throwing pussy around and winning. As they should. At the same time get your own bread. That is all.

This burner your mommy is a dummy for having you to make ignorant comments like this. Say what you like at the end of the day. I like what I like just like you like what you like. And pls for Pete’s sake go back and take a refresher on reading comprehension. Because you waaaaaay off base.

Pls reread. I’m saying be honest about what you like and what your into from the jump. Give a person the choice to deal with you with that or not. That is all.

Wow. But sometimes we gotta fall to get back up and that sister is moving on up. Im so happy for her right now. I will be so glad when she can finally can put the trash truly on the curb and move on with her life. Hopefully, wonderful life from now on. Thanks for posting and sharing.