

Damn right and best believe, I called the office and let Mr. Jones know exactly how I feel. Minus the profanity. Because I do know how to act and how to speak like I have some sense even if sometimes it doesn’t seem like it. I just want Mr. Jones to know the he has fucked up. Royally. And I for one will be on that ass

I bet you do.

I’m not playing no games. Period.

I made my call and let Doug Jones know exactly how I feel and he will get one everyday until I can go in person.

Wow. Just wow.

Tiny penis today isn’t the day to wanna fuck with me.

And always will vote as long as I have breath in my body. I love my people and its time for us to rise up past these so called democrats. Fuck em.

And he doing the same shit. Fuck Doug Jones.

Oh, fam, he fucked. The same way we stood behind him and elected him is the same way we will run against his ass. 98% of black women but this punk ass bitch in office and he went right up there talking bout may vote Republican. I’m getting his number and going up to his office to give his punk ass my whole mind. Fuck

I fucking knew it. Bye Doug, reelection you fucked. I don’t fuck with you. And I’m sure all us beautiful sisters that put your ass in office will find someone to run to the left of you. Crackers like you is why I don’t fuck with y’ll like that. Treacherous back stabbing snake. Everyday it seems that someone in public

Ima feed your ass cause I have time and energy tonight. Mf. The kind your orange, grab them by the puss, treasonous snake ass prez. That’s who. Hillary fuck you Clinton is not the pres. You sewage mouth ass trumpette. Get your face out the ass of Rumple Trumpskin and learn some facts. Facts bitch, you know what facts

Don’t make us hate you, dog. Stay yo ass in acting where your ass belong. Thank you and goodbye.

You talk my kinda language.

My best friend and I had this discussion one day and I said to her that being very high yellow carries it own little bit of privilege. She became upset with me cause she felt like I was saying that I was better or some other dumb shit. I said girl, I’m still a nigga to wypipo. Believe that if nothing else. All I was

And that folks is what is going to fucked him up. Its two institutions in the US you don’t fuck with the Feds and the CIA. They will hid your ass. Trump can think its a game and keep on dogging them out. Trust and believe they will be nailing his ass to the wall. And the evidence is gonna be so clear so

These bitches. Smmfh. I’m bout ready to pull off my earrings. The nerve of them pervy tricks.

This is a shame.

I’m proud as well.
