
Love this piece, sis. The Color Purple is one of my all time favs. So glad you gave Shug the reconition she deserves. We should wish to have some piece of Shug in us.

Wow, so glad this is on its way to working out.

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? How and why? You know what? Fuck it. I don’t want to know.

Autocorret is a bitch and its mama ain’t clean

Shout out to my white uncle and my white cousin who refused to be considered white (RIP Matt).

The question should be, why you hating? If it’s not for you, then don’t partake (more for those of us that do eat them) but please keep the hateration. That doesn’t go well with the spirit of thanks for giving. 😍

Dang, I saw myself when I get that old😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that just seems like something I would do at that age. Lol. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m dying y’ll. Just don’t let me cut up too bad.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂that just made my night😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂what time we live in🤗


Believe it or not their are people out there (I’m not one of them, unfortunately) that really can clean and cook them right. All my people in my close family that could do them are deceased. So, I’m Sol on that until such day that someone Auntie or grandma give me that feel that they are one of the blessed few with

Absofuckinglutley, but shhhh don’t tell nobody but my secret is, I sautee my celery. 🤣

I lost all respeck for this negro when he started dressing like my deceased great aunt. But before that he was hanging by a thread for his sunken placeness, general uncle tommery. The last damn straw tho, is the fuckery of his chosen characters for writing. TF, Cam, I literally spent money on your college signature

The #1 rule if you ARE going to try to eat them. You cannot eat everybody chittlings. Period. That’s really the main rule. #2, for me personally, Trappeys Bull hot sauce a must have.

Where this lady people at? Man, I wish she was my people. I would take ride and ride back.

Well personally, I never stuff the bird. If I do its with celery and other goodies. Because what I make is dressing. Not stuffing. Your right we have different ways of doing things. Most of the time I make my dressing using chicken. I rarely do turkey. In my family, we fry the hell out those turkeys and I make chicken

We do, or my granddad does. Lol. He’s the whole towns turkey fryer. But I have used baked turkey dripping for my dressing as well. I make my chicken broth from scratch. Your good. And yes, Thanksgiving at my house have the whole neighborhood lit. Lol.

Baby, we not making gravy. If that’s what we were doing then you would be correct. However, dear, there is a difference when your baking, boiling, sauteeing or frying the meat. In this case we are making dressing, so for the turkey, we fry our turkeys, again if we baking it. We take all them dropping and use that in

This fool just sent a cease and desist letter to the Alabama newspaper that told folks not to vote for Roy and they are endorsing Doug Jones. They fired right back and said that they WILL NOT and then told him. If he has more to say about what they doing, they have more they can release.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 rut row.

Who doing your breasts, dear, it most certainly wasn’t me. Jesus, I feel like I need to do an outreach for foodies. Im so sorry no one ever got breasts right for you. Ima find you and take care of that, ok?

I will see you there!🤣😄 be prepared to never want to go home again. All that good fattening southern cooking. My Mama cooking the greens. Auntie doing the ham. We throwing all the way down.😂😂😂😂😂😂