
Hey bird, you and peter both have obsessions with black. Get some help

Peter, at this point your in denial

Oh and Peter. I don’t joke about people mental issues and ticks. This a serious matter, you have an illness that most of your kind suffer from. We know Peter, we know.

Oh, Peter, piper, picker pecker, hit dogs holler, my boy. I got the ambulance on the way. Don’t worry it. I GOT you, Peter. You’re taking all this time in your day to read black people comments and Peter, you have time to comment. Not only that but Peter you have TIME for charts. Boy, the more you comment the more you

Peter, Peter, see your affliction is showing itself. Here you are all over my comments bothering black people. Sir, seriously get some help. Soon, this is going to follow you home, Peter. Ppppppeeeeeeetttttteeeerrrr, I see you.

Peter, dear, go somewhere and sit your ass TF down. Why TF are you here reading. Sir, on a black site. Ok. Peter, let’s deal with YOUR obsession. Here you are commenting on my post about your affliction. Now, sir, we (most black people) aren’t checking for you or your people. We are not on a site, for you and

Y’all can’t do that. Look at you now.


Your mind is a beautiful thing to behold right now.

Serious question, why are white folks so obsessed with us?

This is the template for how we should treat ALL coons. She’s farrrr from the only one. And this also put other coonist on notice, once you f up with your own people, your done. And those same crackers you running up to, kissing ass, will hate your ass even more for it. While we as your former people laugh at your

I’ll work with you.

Humph, Vince boy, you didn’t know? He didn’t mean that literally, he literally meant, y’all niggers ain’t running shit, but up and down this field.

 So sorry to hear that. I know many that hate his guts just as much if not more than some if us. And I quote this white man I know, “I hate that fecker trump because he showin everone in no uncertin term that we is dumb as shit.” Lol. He crazy as hell but he right and I told him so.

Yeah, I know people too. Just like what your talking about but like I said its crazy but yeah they get along. And they do not bring that racist shit out. Not in front of company you see. You right about one thing tho they would give Saban both nutsacks if they could that the only adjustment I’ll make on that part. I

I drove thru Mississippi once and I was terrified. Lol.

Crazy as hell. Smh. Crazy as hell. They playing up Roy crazy like its a good thing. Smh.

Let me have my one piece of proudness for something in my state. Shit. Roll MF Tide. All day. Nick Saban. UA has come a loonng way. One thing about it, racist Alabama fans and non racists will get along for the Tide. Its the crazist shit buy that’s how it is.

I sure will. I’m working in my town to just inform people. Most didn’t know we voted in the run off. No one had a clue that it was voting day. Smh.

I knowwwww. Uhhhhh. I totally get it. Pretty little head. Humph. I’ve heard that a lot. Lol.