
I posted the end - specifically that song - days ago. wahoo!!!

I can't believe I was right about the finale! Woot woot!

The most famous coca cola song of all time. A real McCann Erickson release in 1971 - I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing. Don saw the coca cola machine for a reason.

Don comes back and pitches "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" to Coca Cola. This real song was released in 1971 and produced by Jim Backer and others of McCann - Erickson

More from On the Road by Kerouac

And if you want to take the religious route in Exodus Moses sees the burning bush and the land of milk and honey. Is Don going to lead Pete, Joan, and Roger?

Look at Kerouac's poem about Praise Be the Man with references to milk and honey.

Since the next episode is The Milk and Honey Route and Kerouac's work is being alluded to….