
This review sums up many of the reasons why I wish they had not made this "very special" Scandal episode. I find it almost insulting. Yes, I stopped watching Scandal 1 half a half season ago, and now I could care less about the absurd f*ck!ry that this show has become, but for them to go and try to save face by

Well, damn ! I was done with Scandal by mid-season 3 and although I hate watched until its stupid annoying finale, I didn't came back for season 4. So I didn't watched this episode, but understood immediatly what the reviewer said : it could have been written for most of season 3 episodes. Some of us, former fans,

No we can't, #becauseFitzisTheDevil ! And "YOU GOT TO STOP ASKING QUESTIONS ! " *cue to that awesome gif of angry but pre torturer Huck yelling at pre B613 Quinn*

Mellie is as much a circular character as Fitz. Heck, Olivia is as much a circular character as Fitz and Mellie. There is absolutely no progression from any of those characters. When they don't just sand there doing pretty much nothing (like said Harrison), they regress. This is just snowglobe Scandalverse, as another

I used to be a big Olitz fan but now I don't know if they are worth it any more. I blame both Liv and Fitz for the utter fuck!ry that their relationship has devolved in, but I also blame the writers for destroying both Olitz as a couple and Olivia and Fitz as individual character, while prompting the likes of Joke

THANKS Kendall, THANKS ! I hated, hated, hated that moment. And I am not even "team Liv" anymore (she has been behaving/written too basic and stoopid for too long now for me to care about her). But I am wondering now whether it is a Scandal writers requirement to have the black WOC lead character to get physically

So it's Fitz's fault that Andrew chose power over a decade long "luuuvve"? The man was offered the choice and he chose power, for whatever reason. But she is pissed at Fitz 'cause Andrew didn't chose her? Listen, I would have loved for Mellie to get as much as she would have wanted way before that Meldew business. I

I would agree with the pot calling the kettle too…but the ned of your comment stating "Fitz is the worse" kind of erase everything you sated before. ayes Fitz cheated during the campaign trail, but the situation changed dramatically when Mellie confronted Liv, not to tell her to get out of the way (I mean now they

Hmmm…What we know is that she had a conversation with bearded Cyrus where she told him that Fitz and her had discussed that and they were on the sae page about her continuing to work. Then Cyruis made some supposedly realistic but just plain cynical and reactionary argument about how if she wanted to be FLOTUS she had

Yes, Jeff Perry was great. But I don't expect much from the writers regarding his characterization. They like to do those one moment pieces: a great monologue that somehow sound meaningful, and the next epiosde it's all but forgotten and the character is back runningin circles. So I won't hold my breath on that.

Great review! I am glad to read this one 'cause since the beginning of this season, I've felt more and more disconnected from a show that I used to love so much and from most of the critics and part of the fandom which kept gushing over the Scandal writers or every little bit of Olitz they could get (and I am a proud

I don't know if the show's writing is really as smart as your understanding. More and more, I feel like fan's comments are way more profound than the show itself. To me, they don't do such a great job to talk about power actually. It is all so superficial : whether it is Mellie or Cyrus or Rowan, it is all big talk

Oh, I don't mind watching Olivia and Mellie together discussing things. It is the way it is written that bothers me. Every time they had their little pow wow it was to discuss how they are going to make Fitz do what they think is best for him and them by extension. It is detrimental, both to Fitz (because they treat

This scene was so wrong for so many reasons IMHO.

Interesting review of last Scandal episode. I kind of disagree with the authors' take on the characters though. 'Cause I really dislike how they have been written lately, both individually and as a couple. But I fully agree with the answer to the question "Is Scandal a better show when Olivia and Fitz are in love?":

Peter's move was just such a dick move, acting all territorial and "I am the husband" while lusting after another woman and then being used used as a sex reliever by said wife. SMH.

Alicia totally used Peter, again, as a leaving breathing dildo. She got all worked up by their "win" AND by the fight with Will. No way she didn't think about him while doing this quicky. No way? There was too much passion and (sexual) tension, between them at the court and when they interacted. Willicia is alive and

Yeah, I am just waiting for both shoes to drop on Alicia's ass. Karma is a b*tch!You want to play hard ball, woman? Get ready to get hit hard!

Yep ! But the thing is, I don't think Scandal was ever the "most stunning drama on network tv". It was hyped, buzzed about (for good reasons), had (and still has) great moments and potential, but that's about it. I watch Scandal, used to love it very much, despite all its flaws which were already there from the start,

Yeah, that was kind of a WTF funny and sweet moment!