
If I had to guess, he's probably asking Blake some advice on his step-back jumper...

Clip shows are only as funny / interesting as the people hosting them, which is why AFHV hasn't been funny in ages and Tosh and the Soup still are despite being all essentially the same thing.

Exactly. If you want to blame the guys who make the rules, fine. But don't blame the refs for enforcing the rules; that's their job.

Now playing

Compared to their Washington State game, when Oregon won because of officials. I don't see how we can be upset by officials making the correct call here. I'd rather have that happen than them ignoring a very obvious defensive pass interference call in order to keep the Pac-12's dreams alive of fielding a team in the

Ummm....running 50 yards away from the play to take a bow is and has always been worth a 15-yarder in the NCAA. Yeah, Pac-12 refs suck ass but that dude is a moron and cost his team the game.

I come to Deadspin for informative and hilarious commentary and articles. I don't come to Deadspin to listen to some homer write an article with a bs title and whiny complaints. Bad calls went both ways. Oregon is not the #2 team in football.

Haha...yes, this stance has proven pretty unpopular, indeed. But so have common sense and civility around here so I can tolerate being in the minority.

Well put, good sir. But maybe they are BOTH right. And maybe they are BOTH wrong. And I'm not anti-Simmons, I just think he played with fire and he got burned. I'm sympathy free. And ESPN is entitled to protect their corporate relationships and we don't have to feel warm and fuzzy about the result. And I don't know

I guess I never asked my hand if it likes my cock, I never really considered it may be opposed to masturbation. Thanks for enlightening me to another point of view on the issue. Maybe I am being selfish. In the future I'll give some consideration to ol' Lefty's feelings.

As opposed to responding to your comments individually, I will do it here if you don't mind. I think maybe you're in the grey because you seem particularly angry and can't post anything witty or funny. Every single label you've assigned to me is erroneous with the exception of the following: I am self-satisfied (you

The "Occupy Wall Street" jab was the hottest of takes from three years ago. If you are able to come up with takes that are just as hot but which date you by another three decades or so, you could write for Grantland during Simmons's suspension.

Simmons went to ESPN to make lots and lots of money and become a brand. (I would have done the same thing in his situation. Get rich.) But his riches are provided by business relationships that will always be bigger than him. So when he wants to speak like an independent blogger or podcaster and does so in a way that

Do I sound bitter? I'll have to take another 10 hours out of my meaningless life to re-read my posts! And I thought I was just debating my original post and then also defending subsequent ones to anyone who took the time to reply to them directly. Shit.

If deadspin commenters don't like Bill Simmons then why is it so many of them are calling me names for merely saying ESPN execs were totally within their rights to punish him for what they perceived as insubordination (while under the guise of not meeting journalistic standards)?

When did I say he wasn't entitled to express his opinion? I said he thumbed his nose at his employer and dared them to come down on him and they did. And what is it you profess to know about his "HR situation?"

Alright. First of all thanks for the compliment. I've never thought myself ugly, but beautiful is a stretch. (You know my avatar is Lionel Hutz, a fictional cartoon character and not actually ME, right?) I'm not sure how you know what I look like, but compliment accepted. Secondly, again with the name-calling! And an

Ok, but let me ask you—why did he have to add the 'I dare you' stuff? Would you have done the same? Why was it not sufficient to say that Goodell is a lying piece of shit and he and all the powers that be are just sanctioning and disseminating all the fuckin bullshit and leave it at that? I assume you've read the

Haha, just respecting all the folks who replied to me by replying to them. You're free to stop reading anytime, Tom. I sure wouldn't sit around waiting for me to "shut the fuck up," you'll become even more aggro. Have a swell night, bud.

Dang, that's a long time! You should find a hobby! Maybe learn speed reading so you can free up more time for other interests or obligations you have.