
stop, please just stop. pretending to be illitirate and/or gangster is one of the main causes of shit-headedness in America today. you need to go see a professional immediately, and have him/her smack some fucking sense into you.

His mother responded:

This guy simply shouldn't be a player in the NFL. I feel for him, he just isn't built for that life.

These are heartbreaking, but Martin's father should be commending his son for "punking out" over the N word. Not saying he should have let Incognito walk all over him or that it was in any way acceptable. I'm more trying to say the word would lose all of it's power if more people just recognized it as a word, and that

Doesn't justify Incognito, but this is an amazing amount of self-pity. Plus, whoever got honest feedback from their own parents. Sure, people are extremely shitty, but him laughing things off is his own failure. His naivete is beyond pathetic.

"I care about my legacy as a professional athlete. But I'm miserable currently. A therapist & medication won't help me gain the respect of my teammates. I really don't know what to do Mom."

I'm appalled Deadspin, the bastion of morality, would use the phrase " gets boned" as a means of describing something terrible. I would think "getting boned" would be thought of as a wonderful thing no matter what your persuasion. Unless you're referencing rape, but Deadspin wouldn't do such a callous thing.

lolwut? Your exact words: "That when it's cold, snow can turn to ice on the road? It happens in LITERALLY EVERY SNOWSTORM" (emphasis mine). Derp.

The point is people (specifically public officials) have problems preparing their regions for events that are very rare, especially in big places. Citizens also generally react in a panicked state over rare occurrences. People in Mobile don't freak out about small hurricanes but they do over 0.5 inches of ice.

You mean from Hurricane Katrina, the 6th most intense hurricane in the history of the Atlantic Ocean? Yea, that's just like a tropical storm. 175 mph winds and 100 mph winds are exactly the same.

Yes, because the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts don't have any old cities. Mobile, AL was founded in 1704. They seem to have figured out the whole "hurricanes hit coastal regions" thing.

Yes — and then, let's add HILLS. I grew up in Chicago and sniggered a bit at the hysteria during my first few winters down South, until I managed to slide about 1/4 mile down an icy, twisting hilly road in my car during a "minor snowstorm." Thankfully, most of the "rubes" I live among heeded the warnings and kept off

You have no clue what you're talking about or what happened down here. When 100000 cars are on highways and side streets like business as usual as an inch thick sheet of ice forms on the street beneath your car at 10am and you're 20 miles from home, this happens. You're a moron... But strong work on the of minimizing

Maybe you guys should have, I don't know, known how to know when and how to evacuate? Not left all your cars sitting around in areas where they could flood? Built houses and buildings and had other infrastructure built to withstand small flooding and tropical storms of less than 100 mph?

yankees always trip like this, but hurricane sandy brought them to their knees. I hear this all the time, because stupid as they think we are, they just keep moving here and keep moving here. I'm starting to think they just keep going over their obnoxiousness quota up north and kicking them down here below the mason

You do know Birmingham is divided by a fucking mountain, right? Oh, you didn't? Maybe it's time to shut the fuck up.

Sure, but slowing down doesn't always cut it for every single person, someone will start to slide - remember it was pure ice on many streets - and then of course it is simple to say to not panic and no quick movements, etc. when it is a situation you are very familiar with. But imagine the same situation where you

ICE not snow. Read sometimes.

Just wait until the next hot summer, then the South can laugh at the northerners stripping in the streets and buying overpriced fans on the street because the temp exceeded **80**. God help them if they get 30+ 100 degree days like parts of the South!

I know the feeling of driving on an un-plowed road. Got to work last Tuesday fine, hit the parking lot, some a**hole ran a stop sign and my car slid into a curb instead of stopping. They drove off and never stopped, I had to get my car towed and wheel replaced. It doesn't take much if there's no salt and ice on the