
Voting is one of a number of things you can do. Since it's sometimes the only thing people do, it's the least I can ask of people.

I've worked for a Texas charity involved with the criminal justice system.

Welcome to the American prison system.

He's not being singled out. Minority kids get their lives ruined for this petty shit all the time. When that happens it doesn't make the news.

Even if he did something awful, it is appalling we've set up the criminal justice system the way we have. When we sentence people to prison, we do not sentence them to be beaten and raped. Other countries with other systems do not have this problem to nearly the extent we do.

Uh, well, I worked for several months at a criminal justice charity and wrote their website, including the studies linked. We did advocacy for imprisoned people, and some of that involved publicizing comparative studies on world prison systems.

That's not technically true. Canada and the UK are as or a little more quick to imprison people over threats like this.

It doesn't matter, there will always be silly people who over react. Hell, if US prisons and DAs were sane, a little fine or a couple months in the joint isn't super crazy.

This is really typical for an American prison. Typically nobody cares.

Fashion isn't art, it's business. A model's job is to highlight the clothes, not the other way around. They make the clothes first, then pick the model to wear it. They tend not to fit a model into a sample until right before a show, and it's expected you fit into a size 0-2 sample with as few alterations as

I cannot imagine $200 a head being anywhere near "normal." I only did (nice) finger foods and cake and (NICE) booze, and that was $14ish a head. Mine was on the inexpensive side, but I intentionally planned my wedding to feed everyone and not go into any debt.

FFS, you don't get wedding gifts to recoup expenses.

I hope that is it and they didn't photoshop her to "not too black."

I know she's a woman of color. I was wondering if they lightened her in photoshop like too many publications do to Beyonce. I've seen other photos of her, and this looks like it might have been lightened.

I know it's not exclusively a geek thing, but I am pointing out that geek girls are completely forgotten as being women if they aren't conventionally attractive. If they are attractive or later become attractive, they aren't geeks.

Uh, as the former fat girl (lost 70 pounds my junior year), I assure you that we geek girls who were overweight or less than cute were usually not pursued by anyone.

Did they lighten her a little? From the miniature picture, I mistook her for a tan white lady.

I'm into sci fi and some games, but they're games like Harvest Moon and 90s adventure games. Mostly nonviolent.

I think the issue is more that they're dressing him as something roughly equivalent to a stripper or an escort.

It makes sense. Teenage boys are awful, and geek culture has a vocal misogynist component. Women are only women and valuable insofar as some boy wants to screw them. If they're accepted as a geek, they're othered by defining their femininity by whether they're a good sex object, and if men find them attractive,