That’s the pose my girlfriend and I make right before we are about to go on to the dance floor at a wedding and embarrass ourselves.
Call me crazy but I love .269
Well, he don’t eat meat, but he sure like the coke. MATTY MAUK, SHE’S A VEGETARIAN
For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.
M.I.A., no stranger to sports-related lawsuits, has been threatened by French soccer club Paris Saint-Germain that,…
what about the ‘big fuckin’ sea turtle/baby fuckin’ whale/this fuckin’ thing’:
It’s like deja vu all over again. The same thing happened at Toys R Us back in the nineties when Dennis Rodman and Michael Jordan were on their way out of the store with some children’s toys, and were physically accosted by some beefy security guards.
Way to spoil the surprise for your nephew, James. Now he knows exactly what kind of institutional racism is in store for him.
“Now that the baby is out, place it on your head nest to stay warm.”
Your answer is informative, helpful, and non-judgmental. I hate it and I hate you, too.
Hey, as someone who follows the league, just thought I’d give a bit of background here.
If he were jerking off, he probably would have turned off the Victoria’s Secret show to avoid the distraction.
My absolute favorite one is this: