Ms Patsy Stone

Did anyone see the pic of her when she was arrested? She was dressed in a blonde wig and was wearing a dress similar to one Gwyneth Paltrow wore not too long ago

Here's how the government needs to respond to this, stop all federal funds that support schools that underreport rape. They would all go out of business if they didn't get money from Federal student loans, Pell and other grants. It's a Federal law that schools are supposed to report rapes and other sex crimes, so make

Acetaminophen can prolong labour

Freddie Rumsen is played by Bill Murray's brother

This is the Lost finale

That is what she said about Dean's first wife, Mary Jo, who is a really lovely woman. They had just adopted a little girl and a few weeks later he dumped her for Tori. He told her, I'm not leaving the kids, I'm leaving you. Years later they asked MJ to be on their shitty reality show. She declined. Here's a link to

That's funny. I know someone who went by his estate and went to the front gates. They saw a normal sized house and they thought it was George's house and they were so shocked that it was so modest. They took pictures and showed me. I told them that wasn't his house that was just the security office and that his house

They do have it bad. We should have a telethon or a big fundraiser to raise funds. We'll get George Clooney to help. He always helps out with all the other national tragedies

For a while I lived in a small town outside of Atlanta. I was shocked at what the customers would say to me. They'll just bring up something racist out of the blue. In the middle of discussing the weather one woman said, "This used to be such a nice town until all the blacks moved in". I was shocked. Why the hell did

It's the South. Everything is creepy and weird down there

Up until last year, Alabama still had segregated high school proms in some of their schools

Money is wonderful, but time is a luxury you can not buy. I wish I could take some non-paid time off from work so I could go on a long vacation to Europe. But most companies won't allow that

Don't forget that Tori made comments about how Dean wanted a woman who could give him more children. One who didn't have old eggs.

That's a crazy dream. It sounds like a plot on a soap opera or something that actually happened to someone in Florida

But who gets their nose enlarged?

Here's a small before and after picture

This is America. We don't change anything unless someone dies

I don't think ads cause me to buy something, but they certainly have gotten me to not buy something or to switch to a different brand. If a company has a bunch of really annoying, intrusive ads or popups I won't buy their products. For the past 3 months IBM has had an ad on YouTube. They make you watch the most

I mean, guy rappers grab their crotch all fucking day and have hos around them, but no one talks about it. But if I grab my crotch and I have hot model bitches around me, I'm degrading women?