She's probably the gluten free lady
She's probably the gluten free lady
The word Fuck is a linguistic multitasking miracle. It can be used as a noun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb or an interjection.
Before the show even aired he gave some interview and he said something to the affect that he doesn't mind gay people, but they should not be allowed near children. He, like a lot of assholes has this weird notion/belief that people who are gay are pedophiles, when the truth is that most pedophiles are straight…
I'm trying to look like a very capable, very personal level-headed female who is an Academy Award winner
I'll bet this is not the first time this has ever happened in Florida
You are right. Northern Ireland will let a woman with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy die, because they do not allow any types of abortions
This True Crime Story Will Make You Feel for the Victim AND Murderer
Exactly. Her "jokes" are stale, rancid and unfunny. She had some special on cable just a few months ago and it was full of shitty jokes from the 1970' - 1980's. Lots of Princess Diana (she's been dead almost 20 yrs) and Elizabeth Taylor jokes. She's a stale, deluded, old bitch.
Billionaire healthcare mogul Mike Fernandez was Rick Scott's top fundraiser and was happy as can be when other nationalities were being made fun of. But once his nationality was chosen to be the butt of jokes, he didn't like it.
Star Crunch is actually pretty good if you refrigerate it
And when celebs send other celebs selfies of each other it's mutual masturbation
And now you'll never get it clean. Oh the horror!!! Is there no humanity left in this world?
I eat it off a spoon. I don't want to get fat eating a bunch of crackers
That's right, but people who are wearing gloves many times don't realize that their gloves are dirty. I've seen people at sandwich shops/fast food restaurants wearing gloves and they don't change them. They'll pick up the phone, talk, hang it up and go back to working with food, all while wearing the same set of…
I had never heard of him or her before this
Byrom Jr. testified against his mother, in exchange for a reduced sentence after he was arrested as part of the conspiracy to the kill his father.
I liked her and Red Shirt Guy
If you live past the age of 50, your tits are going to sag. That's a fact of life
He should be arrested again and charged with torturing you
Of course some people like kim kardashian. But they aren't the type of people who read. I'm sure kanye will buy a few thousand copies of this issue. I honestly can't see a picture of this skank without thinking of her sex tape. The old whore kim is getting ready for her third wedding and of course she and kanye are…