Ms Patsy Stone

There is a special place in hell for Marilyn Moore

They do have the same drug interactions though

I hope he was drunk or on drugs. Otherwise, that means he's just a gigantic piece of shit

You are leaving out a very important part of this. She was wearing headphones when the police called out to her to stop. She didn't hear them so one of the police officers ran after her and one grabbed her arm/hand from behind. She pulled her arm away from him because that's what most people do when someone suddenly

He might give up, but his wife LOVES any and all types of media attention

No, his big problem with the media started in 1995 when he and Kim were bringing newly born Ireland home from the hospital. The photogs swarmed their vehicle. Alec punched a photographer in the face, breaking his nose. He was arrested for assault and later acquitted by a jury. The paps used to camp out in front of

Miley has set women back years. A talented person acting like a stripper to the whole world is not a feminist

They've set women back years by acting like this

If you are trapped in your house because there is an alligator sitting in front of your front door, press 4

you can sub in, "how many people need a new liver" because of tylenol

You aren't supposed to use it as your only form of birth control. Seriously, what type of jackass does that?

Science and medicine will not stop a nutbag, even an educated nutbag from trying to control what women do with their bodies. And that's what's it's all about. Controlling women

I don't know what she had done to it, but it wasn't much of an improvement. I don't mean to be mean, but now it's upturned and looks sort of piggy. Here's a pic of her old nose. This was back when she used to eat

She is the best advertisement for not getting discount plastic surgery. The nose and the breasts are horrible

I know it's nobody else's business, but her implants were so BAD that you can't help but notice they are gone. The looked like someone cut a cantaloupe in half and sewed each half to her chest.

Why would anyone hire him? And no one is forcing him to work there. I'm sure he'll screw up this job and won't be working there for long

You can go to the local health dept and get free or low cost vaccines. You also need a measles vaccine booster as an adult. When I worked at NY Hospital (now, NY Presbyterian) we had 3 medical residents come down with measles. They all died. So when I hear people talk about not vaccinating their kids I honestly go

I grew up in Florida. Trust me, they deserve every single bit of criticism and more. Unfortunately this happens everywhere. But, Florida really seems to have a problem with black people. It's the same state where a black woman was convicted and sentenced to 20 yrs in jail for firing a warning shot at her abusive

You win an apology. I saw some of comments saying it was false and I thought you were all crazy. You weren't. These two radio hosts are though

Shouldn't that be #deadlykids ?