Ms Patsy Stone

I was raised as a Christian and I know a few sins. One is premarital sex. Sherri's okay with that sin though. Another is having a child out of wedlock. Sherri's okay with that. The fact that half her family and most of her friends were born out of wedlock probably skews her opinion of that. I won't even go into what

It also covered the sign saying the road was for bicycles only. That's a great way to get some more people killed

But that doesn't mean they can't be prejudiced haters in the name of religion

He needs to change his will IMMEDIATELY. This very second. If she is still in his will and anything happens to him she can buy herself the very best defense his money can buy.

I'll bet her scumbag employer required her to go to this seminar.

They don't pay tax in the UK because the UK doesn't make them pay tax. Starbucks isn't breaking any laws. The UK should change their laws. Starbucks wouldn't stop doing business in the UK if they had to pay tax either.

It takes one to know one

Kourtney had the body of a teenage boy when they met. Banging body? indeed

I understand what you meant. I like that you know the answer. Not a lot of men do

This is funny coming from a UK paper. Most British people have two or three last names (hyphenated of course). Having a last name like Hunter-Thompson-Smith is ridiculous

Jason was not in finance. And he certainly wasn't earning 7 figures. He was a drug rep/sales person. Her boyfriend before Jason (who had 2 or 3 kids) was in finance. She made more money than he ever did. She may have been building Skinny Girl, but she was also making money from RHONY and her Betheny Bakes business

The Middletons have disgustingly taken advantage to earn money off of everything their daughter does. When Prince Philip dies the Middletons will release a line of funeral themed party items

Remember to pick a fund that has low costs. Some are outrageous. Vanguard is very good (low costs) and they have a good website with a lot of members posting info

I can not believe so many of you are okay with these cats taking free handouts. This is America, not some damn Socialist country. It's only ethical if we make them work for it

I would have taken my plate gone over to the awful child's parents, told them off and dumped the plate on them. I hate parents who ignore and don't care about their children

She told the police she did it. She got into an arguement with Mrs Krim the day before. She seethed with anger for a day and then murdered the children

I saw this on the Graham Norton Show. They actually sell a camel toe prevention device

These are people who pay no income tax

dr phil is such a scumbag.He shouldn't have aired this. This woman and her family need help. With such dysfunctional mentally ill parents , Lindsay NEVER EVER had a chance of any type of normal life. She was doomed from day 1

Of course, former NH governor and raving lunatic john sununu is all upset about the First Lady's dress. So much so that he contacted a bunch of reporters about the dress. He really knows how to pick his battles. At this rate he'll be obsessing and ranting about Bo Obama next