I have to imagine the only thing better than accidentally breaking Joe Paterno’s leg would be intentionally breaking Joe Paterno’s leg.
I have to imagine the only thing better than accidentally breaking Joe Paterno’s leg would be intentionally breaking Joe Paterno’s leg.
So you’re saying kids in rural areas, which have always had higher rates of suicide than urban areas, are killing themselves because “there’s nothing to do in your town anymore.”
Cool Story Bro. (couldn’t resist your call at the end to do this).
“That’s what he said”
Now that’s two times that Paterno didn’t have a leg to stand on.
Lol, sure, white people voted for the Orange Man because everyone around them is dying. I’m sure he will help.
‘member that time JoePa pooped his pants on the side line?
you monster
Really fucking tired of people pretending like the same racist, sexist, homophobic shit that’s gone on forever is somehow ‘anti-establishment’ or ‘edgy.’ That is just the status quo.
I dated a girl while she attended Penn State. It’s the only prestigious institution I’ve spent much time at, so it might be par for the course, but it’s a borderline cult. Hero worship, loyalty in the face of any facts or truths, passion beyond what a normal person would have for football. They think they’re the best…
I have a favorite football player now.
The problems of which you speak have been problems in the cities. I don’t know who you’re talking to but there are plenty of people in the cities who are suffering. The difference seems to be that for some reason the discussion about suffering in rural areas are talked about as though the people there are not at fault…
Not sure why this is but UW athletes are unapologetically woke as fuck and it’s awesome.
I’m sure that sound was just horseplay. Towels snapping. Or maybe limbs snapping.
But the NFL still doesn’t do anything about CTE.
DeAndre Levy = my new favorite football player.
That’s ‘cause the NFL ain’t run by a bunch of libtard pussies!
[rhythmic clapping sound]