More like Kevin URANT! Get it? No D.
More like Kevin URANT! Get it? No D.
Yea Lebron’s overrated, ok
That artisanal farmers market in San Fran is gonna be so bummed tomorrow:(
I know how quickly Spicy Curry finds itself in the toilet.
Lebron didn’t just block that shot last year. He stole the Warrior’s soul. They may never win another game.
it’s almost as if the Warrior retread their entire team but expected to play the same level of basketball.
Cavs win by 29pts.
Jennifer Lawrence would not do this. So it’s moot. J.Law does not do parodies, she doesn’t do anything but act in films and enjoy her life.
Amy Schumer thinks she’s “funny”. But those of us who aren’t white and aloof remember how Amy likes to make jokes about brown men raping her and discussing the black male body and…
It’s not *taking* the picture. It’s publishing it wrapped in an explanation regarding parodying Formation, when she’s already had backlash against racist things in her stand up. I don’t care about Amy Schumer one iota, but I can tell like, her PR team is in damage control mode, I guarantee it.
Oh she is feminist, She is also a fucking racist piece of shit.
Whoa, a site that is heavily opinion based is biased, whaaaaaaaaaaaat
There was definitely cattiness when those guys were here. It just seems like people get mad when jez doesnt like there fav. How about dont click on articles written by catty writers problem solved. There not going to change and why should they when people who hate them will keep clicking.
That’s okay. It’s not as if you’re original in minimizing women of color’s accomplishments.
She’s been a racist for years and people are finally starting to open their eyes.
Sorry you like problematic actors. Maybe you should consider why it’s wrong t appropriate an entire culture.
I know this is hard for you to understand but taking a hit song by a mutiple award winning artist and fucking it up royally by a lackluster, half-baked, lame ass attempt at a parody is going to result in a well-deserved dragging on Twitter!
I just learned that Samantha Bee is also a resident!
They both bought property on White Feminist Island and don’t check their mail very often.
Glad to know I wasn’t the only one who found that “parody” video kinda lame. She fucking lost me when that interview with Lena Dunham went down.