
Interesting take. White people do love those “important films” that depict Black people as slaves, servants, and people fighing for basic civil rights, especially if there is lots of “important” violence against Black bodies. It solidifies the view of Black people in that inferior position, as well as justifies the

HollywoodSoWhite - but not so white that we won’t attack a movie by and for black people and then celebrate when it fails!

Classy man. Would that I perform as well when speaking on matters dear to my heart.


Fellow Nebraskan, completely agree. Rose-Ivey’s speech was really good and hopefully Husker fans can take the message to heart. Though until Tom Osborne says something slowly and enthusiastically, they won’t care.

I grew up a fan of “The U.” I HATED Nebraska. But, damn. This kid earned a fan today. Go Big Red.

But I guarantee if that fan got called out for being a racist, they’d cry about their first amendment rights being violated.

It’s really illuminating to see what happens when people have an anonymous or semi-anonymous platform to publish their opinions. I honestly think that some of these people may not even be as racist as they seem in their ignorant comments; they’re just super-unintelligent and feel obligated/entitled to “pick a side”

What I don’t get is why someone would protest the Anthem of the Country that allows him to make millions of dollars absolutely no money playing Football in the first place. If he really wanted to make a difference he’d donate some of his salary room and board to inner city charities.

As a Nebraskan this is embarrassing, and no, not him kneeling. The backlash from “fans” is ridiculous. But then again we are the state that had the KKK chase away Malcolm X’s family.

funny how the reactions to players’ protests just prove the god damn point they’re trying to make

To use the n-word in condemning a black man for protesting racism and police brutality requires some Simone Biles level mental gymnastics.

It is amazing how significant of a percentage of the hardcore college football audience is 1) Ignorant as fuck and 2) Not at all intelligent enough to attend the university they obsess over

So, you can use the word “pontificating” but you can’t accept that people with brown skin are equals? Okay. Racist Wypipo logic.

So much Economic Anxiety* on display.

not enough coke

That solemn bugle solo of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” at the beginning of the game absolutely did me in.

Holy. Shit.