
This^. The additional load of electric equipment powered off the engine’s (police upgraded) alternator, at idle, does not tax the (police upgraded) cooling system.

The day we as a country start thinking critically about our relationship with Israel will be a difficult one.

Unless his brain splatters ala JFK it’s totally legal.

Add it to the Pac-12 refs greatest hits. It’s becoming a fucking anthology...

The refs should all be fired.

Those officials responsible need to be suspended indefinitely. How does this happen?

The running of the bullshit.

more like baylor nein.

In these trying times, it’s important to remember that these events are entirely unforeseeable and there is nothing that university could do to prevent it nor is there even anything that the university could learn from to handle future events better.

If you look closely at the people being crushed in the stampede, you will find that Art Briles is the real victim here.

Respect the culture. She is allowed to live however the hell she wants to.