
Aliens that inhabit brains is at least somewhat believable, no one is going to buy bipartisanship as a premise for a show, comedy notwithstanding, sci-fi notwithstanding. Some things just are beyond imagination.

Be smart, do a double-spinoff; Breaking Dexter: A meth chemist who is also a serial drug-dealer vigilante serial killer. My favorite though would be Walking Dexter: turns out all those people he killed are resurrected as zombies. Which means there would be GREAT suspicion at Alexandria when he is asked 'The Two

You could easily do a spin-off called Deb. Except, oh yeah, she died. So that leaves exactly zero interesting characters outside of Dexter to do a show around. Now here's an idea; a weekly crime show that ends up with the criminal being caught by a serial vigilante; catch: each episode is one of Dexter's victims