msnovtue 45 mph+?

Darwinism in action.......

Hey now... some of us were raised properly. Putting anything on the dash other than armor-all or leather protector was a cardinal sin in our house, where the women outnumbered the men 3-1 (4-1 if you counted the cat.)

Whule it’s not an AMG, my DD is the 1988 260E that my Dad took care of *meticulously* up until his death in the fall of 2000. After that it went my Mom, who, while nowhere near as picky as Dad, still had it very well cared for by a specialist. *

I knew I was in love with the movie when, less than 15 minutes in, the first car we see being driven was a W124...... which is also what I drove to the theater.

Further proof for my theory that racing people, on the whole, are a bunch genuinely good people. Nice work, folks.

Oh, yeah. Definitely not your typical bunch. Mom & Dad taught me (& sister) to drive because “driver’s ed doesn’t teach you enough”.

Is it wrong of me to hope he makes a guest appearance as an Indycar commentator? Because Jr. + Paul Tracy would be awesome.

Mom did her share of driving, too, but yeah... Apparently with his constant lane-changing, the cop just couldn’t lock on the car.

Yup.... You’ve probably heard the old joke about what are the 3 biggest races in Indy, right? ( The answer being the Indy 500 in May, the Brickyard 400 in July, and 465 year-round.)

Good Lord. And it’s not like IMS is a super narrow track, either..... I mean, seriously-not a single car crossed start/finish before the wrecking started. 

Either that, or she was enjoying herself so much she didn’t notice...

Either that, or she’s of the mindset of “I’m 79-screw it. I’m having some fun while I can.’

Interesting.... I have my own issues with the Li-ion batteries in cars, namely the fire hazard. Once a Li-ion battery catches, there’s pretty much no putting it out—especially for ones of the size that are in cars.

Yeah... I was going to say that anyone who thought that trees wouldn’t be a big deal needs to go look up Jim Clark & Jeff Krosnoff.

Eh, maybe. I made a point to look at again, and it looks like the 3rd place GTD car, Ferrari #63, came up on a LMP2 & rode next to it a bit, but right behind them came the battling GTLM Corvette & Ford GT, with an unknown GT Porsche behind them. Everyone else got a bit backed up behind the 63 Ferrari & the LMP2 car,

Eh, if you’re going to have a car flip, that’s how you want it to go—dump all the energy into the tire barriers, kinda stop on its side, then just flop over at the end. The car’s going to be beat up either way, but the driver compartment should stay intact.

Absolutely. I wasn’t complaining; I love multi-class racing. But a lot of commenters were ragging on Jordan Taylor for being over-aggressive, and I didn’t see that at all. It was a slightly risky move, but the nature of this type of racing didn’t leave him a whole lot of options. Either he tries for a difficult

Classic problem of multi-class racing... the ‘prototype’ classes are just so much faster than the GT classes that they have no choice but to go for risky passes. I don’t think Jordan was being overly aggressive; he just got stuck in a bad spot, which happened to be a mass of GT cars that were racing hard with each

I had to fight with the tire shop to put the softer, high-performance Michelins I wanted on my car; they tried to talk me into a longer-wearing tire because the ones I wanted were only rated for 40,000 miles.