
I really hope this is a joke or an act for clickbait.

M-B & BMW have had their issues in recent years, but there’s a reason they have a devoted following.

General rule of travel: If it’s something you can’t afford to lose or have damaged, put it in your carry-on or find some way to wear it. Period.

I see a couple of issues right away:

I might be a few years out of date, but if race control wanted all cars to stop *immedately* where they were on track and not proceed futher, the corner stations would’ve all displayed a black flag.

Y’all know I’m a sucker for damn near anything with a 3-pointed star on the front, and I always really liked the looks of the R-class.

Oh, I don’t argue Schumi was hot tempered and arrogant, and I certainly wasn’t a fan. But what he didn’t do was whine endlessly, and he was still better about taking responsibility for his (rare) screwups.

Lewis may be a talented driver, but he’s more immature than a spoiled 2 year old and pretty much the definition of the term ‘douchecanoe’. His attitude and whining are embarrassing for a multiple World Champion. I mean, Schumi was an arrogant jerk who also thought the whole field should bow down to his greatness,

Maybe, but this is such a basic-level design failure it’s pretty much unforgiveable. This is the kind of thing that even bare-bones amateur racing gets right. To have a setup like this at a professional event pretty much anywhere is really beyond the pale.

Not just vehicles, but safety personnel even more. It’s one thing to take out a safety vehicle, but another entirely to put track workers at risk like that.

Whoever decided barriers weren’t needed the entire length of that corner needs to be smacked-hard. You NEVER leave safety vehicles and personnel unprotected like that, especially personnel. Leaving everything in the direct ‘line of fire’ like that was a disaster waiting for a proper time to happen. A couple more of

It’s the old endurance racing tale: when the sun goes down, shit starts happening, and often not in a good way.

I always assumed that when people said they felt sorry for Toyota, they meant the people working on the actual racing team-drivers, crew, etc.

Yup. Even the winner, Porsche, basically put out a social media post that basically said, “we wanted to win, but not like this...”

Well, Toyota hasn’t tried 29 times yet, either....

Mergers and everything aside, Porsche is still very much Porsche—this is how they made their racing reputation in the first place. They may not always be the fastest, but they’re the ones still running at the end.

I could make that.... “Schatzi” & I’d love it.

Ditto..... But I’m biased. My late father bought my current daily driver when I was in high school. I now have another place to take it once I get it fixed up a bit....

I can understand—the travel factor alone makes it tough.

You win the Porsche lovers award.... I can’t believe I forgot about the “Pink Pig.”