
My problem is people who comment with very little purpose other than to be a right putz, unnesscessarily insulting and pompous, and a jerk of the first water in response to what was clearly a tongue-in-cheek lightheated joke. (Seriously.... you’ve never seen a whaletail turbo before?!?!?)

The problem with the aeroscreen idea (which I far prefer to bizarre halo) is that in this case and Justin Wilson’s fatal crash, the top of the head is still exposed.

Cockroaches live everywhere, but not in the mass quantities and relative one finds in Florida.

Sir, I regrettably lived in Florida for 4 years. I am exceedingly familiar with what a cockroack looks like, and it certainly bears no resemblance to a whaletail.

Dear Corvette designers:

My dad was a native-born German car guy, and I think he summed it up pretty effectively when showing me around what was probably the closest thing to an impulse buy he ever did-the 1988 260E he bought when it was 2 years old, in pristine condition, and (the big attraction) cheaper than the new Buick LeSabre he’d been

Maybe..... I would caution you against trying to drive it any distance, but there’s no reason you can’t get in it and get familiar with it-get a feel for shifting through the gears, learn how the clutch feels, etc. Speaking as a member of an even rarer group, women who can drive manuals, it never hurts to learn. At

Some downshifting is good, if you’re starting at interstate speeds. Also, keep in mind that if you’re coasting (car in neutral) while braking, you will have to shift into gear before trying to accelerate. In a crunch, you may not have that time.

Um, it’s been a while since I learned to drive a stick, but I’ve driven quite a few since then, and every single one dies if you don’t get on the gas and match revs. So I’m kind of confused just how you *can* leave the throttle out of it.....? (We won’t talk about the rental car in Germany where I stalled it multiple

I’ve always said that speed doesn’t kill, stupidity and lack of situational awareness does.

Back in 2012, I had just gotten a very nice inheritance, so of course acquiring my dream car was at the top of the to-do list. And I found it in the next state over, so one Saturday morning I hit the road and made the 3 hr drive to check it out.

*sigh*... Prank or not, if you’re a not-grid-girl-looks-and-figure female gearhead, this is is just another variation on the same BS you’ve been hearing for years. My personal favorite was the guy who tried to tell me that my car couldn’t possibly be capable of the top speedo mark of 160 mph because it was a big old

According to the article, the Honda wrecked first, then impacted the safety vehicle attending to a previous incident. So the hit to the safety car may not have been that hard, depending on speed, distance between impacts, etc.

It's not a "track day" in the same sense as in the US. They hold "Touristenfahren", literally tourist drives. Most people aren't wearing any sort of safety gear at all. (See any of the numerous vids on Youtube.) And it is "run what ya brung"—you'll see a good amount of performance cars, true, but you'll also see dang

Yup. Keep in mind, getting a liscence in Germany is much more complicated, difficult, and costly than in the US (where basically all you need is an IQ larger than your shoe size.)

Thank you for writing down what I’ve been trying to tell people for years. People here in the US seem to think it’s one massive free-for-all drag race when it’s anything but. For one thing, it is much more disciplined. The left lane really is for passing, and it is your job to get the hell out of the way of anyone

Thankfully, to my knowledge, no one on either side of my family was particularly fond of Hitler & Co., but it’s hard to know-all my grandparents were gone by the time I was 12, and my Dad died in 2000. My mom told me most of what I know, because for most of my life it was an unspoken but written in stone rule that you

Seconded. Thank you for both being polite and willing to learn. That’s a rare commodity on the internet no matter what the subject, and when you bring WW II history into it, it typically devolves into some particularly bad name-calling at light speed. It really is a genuine pleasure to run across a genuine question

Not exactly.......See above.

I’m an ‘80s kid too, but thanks to Dad I’ve had a heavy pro-German bias since shortly after birth.