
True, and I also got a car that was my father’s baby. He definitely went full blown OCD with it, but when I got the car around 2007 or so, it had a whopping 115,000 miles on it. Yes, that’s all. He maintained it religiously and kept it perpetually polished to concurs level. It bordered on the ridiculous, but you can’t

What JoeoftheEmpire said. Also, bear in mind that despite being overwhelmingly associated with and basically running Germany, Hitler was not a native German—he was Austrian. So of course he would’ve logically wanted to merge the two countries.

Yeah, the 911 just lost something when they smoothed out the headlight bulges....

I gotta say.... 20 years old, bumming around Europe in a Porsche with a high limit credit card?

Pretty much. I have long looked at getting an older Porsche, and currently own my Dad’s 1988 M-B 260E. Nothing wrong with getting a good condition, older German performance car. Much fun and enjoyment (and odd looks) can be had.

I’m not disagreeing with you. But that doesn’t change the fact Lewis acts like a bratty 1st-grader.

“Most Austrians think of themselves as German.”

True, but at least they acted like fully-grown *adult* twats. Hamilton constantly reminds me of the world's oldest spoiled 3 year old.

I also wonder how well the owners know the limitations of the system. Big problem right there.

Last I heard he was watching a “Harry Potter” movie. Seriously.

We had a previous gen LeSabre (1987) when I was growing up, and it was our road trip car. We drove from IN to FL twice a year on vacation, straight through with no overnight stops. For that purpose, the car was damn near perfect. Biggest gripes were a few minor rattles inside and the fact it had rear drum brakes—we

Now playing

Either way, that was pretty minor compared to a previous ride Dalmas took:

Yeah.... Admittedly, I'm a M-B fan, but I've been known to refer to Chrysler as "the company even Daimler-Benz couldn't save."

While I really feel for the Toyota crew—that’s about the worst way to end a race short of someone getting hurt—this is what Porsche *does* at Le Mans. This is how they built their legend in endurance racing. They may not be the fastest on the track, but they will be running at the end. Toyota’s still fairly new to the

My parents were in on the early days of PCA with their pair of 356s. The thing about true “Porsche people” is that while they love their cars passionately and take very good care of them, they also *drive* their cars and use them beyond a occasional Sunday drive. Our got used for everything from Porsche Parade to a

James Hunt would approve.

Anybody want to confirm that it is actually Fittipaldi in the #20 Penske? Sure looks like his helmet, and I think he was there today.....

This is far from the first time he’s done something like this-see youtube. Anytime IMS needs a driver to do something goofy for a promotion, it’s JNew. I swear the PR department has his number on speed dial.

Well, if you were to ask my late mother, she would probably second the “one safe car, one fun car” option, as it turned out to be surprisingly beneficial when I came along. I was a very sickly child-jaundiced, allergic to everything, and more. And given that 1) I was an infant, and 2) usually uncomfortable and

I had to laugh at the inclusion of the Buick Century. Not because it’s wrongly included or something, but because of a family test on a mid-1970s model....