
Okay, disclaimer first: it’s been a good 10 years since I worked as a marshal. That said, we were always taught that it was the driver’s responsibility to look for the flag stations. I do agree that that station is way too close to the actual turn, IMHO. The previous station should have been waving a back up yellow.

I’ll try to make this short, but it’s a long story that stretches out over nearly 20 years.

“ Most girls aren’t outright told that females can’t or don’t do X profession.”

Ah, yes.... The man who unintentionally did more for women in racing than he could’ve ever imagined. :) I always kind of figured that John Force probably took the same approach as my Dad—wanted boys, got girls, and decided it didn’t make a damn bit of difference.

Thanks! There's just something about my family and cars...... the next two most "legendary" stories involve my parents trading a pair of 356s for a pair of Pintos, and better yet, how, in the process of pulling a boat out for winter, my Dad slid a mid 1970s Buick Century station wagon (white with fake wood trim

I believe it is a W124— it’s a 1988 260E. According to my Dad, it’s the same body as the 300E but with a slightly smaller engine (2.6 l instead of 3.0 l). It’s my baby, and it has thoroughly ruined me for “typical” cars. My dad was an old German & a big M-B fan since childhood, but he was also tight with his money.

I understand the feeling..... All my non-gearhead friends were giving me odd looks when I sent this out all over the ‘net last spring like a proud mama with her newborn..... In my defense, this is a 1988 car.

I highly approve of your choice of illustrative photo.

Not *my* car, but once, while working as a marshal, I watched a car go by, and did a double-take. My partner looked at me, and asked, “What?”

Also... I came *this* close to buying a 1989 turbo-look targa. B*stards sold it out from under me as I was waiting in the office with a cashier's check in my hand.

Fair enough....... For me, it's a simple explanation: Dad was German and a car guy. He wanted 2 sons, but got 2 daughters. Decided it didn't really make any difference. :)

Hate to destroy your illusions, but I am female and wouldn’t touch this with a 10 ft pole. I’m a Porsche purist— if I wanted something that looks like a Porsche on the outside but has little to nothing from Porsche under the hood, I’d buy the best replica 356 I could find. At least there’s a justifiable reason for

Smart move. If it’s that hot, strip down to the legal minimum & to hell with what people think. I’ve gone down with heat exhaustion before (at a track, to boot), and it can mess up up for days. I’d be willing to bet that the track medical staff were in favor of this, as it apparently kept him from being hauled into

Oh my.....I feel for this guy, because I’ve been there. My Dad’s baby was his 1988 Mercedes-Benz 260E, and it’s now my daily driver. It’s also been one hell of a learning experience.

Hey, those Force India guys aren’t half bad, ya know?

I’ve always said, not entirely jokingly, that that was the one thing I could never quite bring myself to forgive them for....

Well, I don’t think anybody knew at that point just what you were getting into with the Pintos-in fairness to my late parents, by all accounts they were perfectly decent cars for them. I even remember the station wagon one. (My earliest car memories were the Pinto wagon & the mid ‘70s Buick Century station wagon we

*sigh* Any article like this makes me sad, because the above is what my parents swapped for a pair of Pintos in the early 1970s. (Thewhite cabriolet is a 356 A, and the red hardtop a 356C. *sniff*.....)

If you are talking about Nazi ties to auto manufacturing, you might want to look closer at the Quant family, who was behind BMW. Among other things, Magda Goebbels was a close relation....

For all that I am a diehard Mercedes-Benz lover and second-generation Porschephile, I’ve always had a secret desire for that pinnacle of East German automotive technology, the one and only Trabant.