These sorts of disingenuous questions are so tedious. You know that this phantom wife of yours is probably fine. You know that artticles like this aren’t implicating all white people. So what is the point of your disingenuous question?
These sorts of disingenuous questions are so tedious. You know that this phantom wife of yours is probably fine. You know that artticles like this aren’t implicating all white people. So what is the point of your disingenuous question?
Maybe she can roll you off the couch and have you join her.
Keep going, and when she’s criticized, or white women are criticized, remember that POC are criticized all the time and still keep going. Meet criticism, hate with love and acceptance. Listen. Make sure to come out just as much for racial justice issues. But I’m a white woman too, this is just what I try to do. Other…
“I disagree completely, and I will fix what’s been wrong in the world all this time, so bend the knee or die!” - Daenerys Stormborn
The problem with Zionists such as yourself is that YOU don’t grant other groups the right to self-determination. You label them Nazis instead. I wonder if you advocate open borders for Israel.
If you say “I’m a White Nationalist” and then get upset because people look at you disapprovingly when what you really meant was only that you support the right of white people to live in a place free from violence and strife, I’m not sure the people who look at you disapprovingly are in the wrong.
“the brand of Zionism she fights against is not the brand of Zionism I recognize”
“one cannot be a Zionist and a feminist at the same time. I am indeed both, thankyouverymuch”
So is the “brand of Zionism” that has resulted in the current apartheid state that is Israel your brand of Zionism, or not? I’m totally open to…
The thing is that everyone not named Tasha is on some bougie elitist shit. This episode just showed that Lawrence is as deep in the game as the rest of them. Also, Lawrence is about to get seduced by White pussy now. We’ll see how woke he is quickly.
I think I’ve figured out the code: If you give a guy a boner, you’re “curvy.” If you don’t, you’re “fat.”
He’s on Social Security due to his IQ and she not working either and they only have a home due to the parents of the father.
It happens way more than you think. I personally know 3 people this happened to. One was 5 months in and premenopausal, one was a girl who worked out constantly and didn’t get the beach ball stomach or her period. She made it to 8.5 months. And one was heavier and admittedly in denial as she literally heard the rumors…
On one hand, that’s fucked up. On the other hand, if you don’t have the mental faculties to realize that you’re pregnant, maybe you shouldn’t be raising a kid?
Hey, remember back in 2016 when Trump was going on about Hillary being on death’s door and not having enough physical stamina to be president? Good times.
If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.
The Kardashians are pretty bad but they aren’t as trashy as the Kennedys. Rob didn’t kill Chyna like a Kennedy would have. Come on now.
Seriously? A black man not wanting to date someone from an oppressive class is a lot different than white men deciding that interracial marriage should be illegal, how fucking stupid are you?
I have known so many men like Craig: Wrapped in the fantasy of their own meteoric rise, but unable to pay the rent on time.