
You’re not a good writer. Even on a fringe website, you’re in over your head.

Those itty bitty things? Nah, you’re practically a woman.

What kind of piece of shit are you?

You sound like a 12 year old.


He also witnessed it. On multiple occasions.

Too late because Stanhope’s career is a huge success to him. He has everything he’s ever wanted and he’s completely content. These are things most people never achieve and cannot even amongst them.

I enjoyed reading your hysterical nonsense. Try upping your antidepressant doses.

You wrote the most sincere, intelligent and compelling defense of Stanhope, and got called an “idiot”. There’s no helping some people. They’re only going to see what they want to today’s “feminists”.

Your understanding of time is poor. Stanhope was talking about a time BEFORE this tiff went to the courts and the public. BEFORE the courts, Head was blackmailing Depp. Learn to read.

They both did. End story.

Her nickname has been Bingo since high school. What an odd thing to get huffy about.

Your stupidity is cemented forever on the internets, bro.

of course you’re not jealous! of course!!

awww internet tough guy! so retro!

Truth blindness is a defining characteristic of the libtard.

Irony is ironic.

oh...i wasn’t aware that he commented to the court...thanks for correcting the story, peter pan.

That never happens. My line of work takes me into the homes of these abusers. The family and friends “might” attempt to rationalize the actions of an ACTUAL abuser (i.e. “he/she was abused as a child” or “he/she didn’t mean to hurt him/her”, but no family or friends ever excuse abuse. They compartmentalize their

Not everyone is programmed to appease you in every way. I’m sorry to hear that you’re such a judgemental cvnt.