Ms. Moneypennywise

found it

**** SPOILER ALERT *****

thats not “Pay” though...


years before Dylan Farrow’s abuse and his affair with Soon-Yi, we made this guy a fucking superstar auteur “voice of a generation” for this kind of shit. God help us. He IS the Poster Boy for #MeToo

seriously America

He’s 44 here. She’s 16. He wrote and directed this movie.

This sick Lolita-loving sociopath

At the height of his power, this dude wrote a movie for himself to star in where he kisses and has a sexual relationship with a 16 year old girl. He was— in real life— Mariel Hemingway’s first kiss.

Gluten is a ubiquitous thickening agent that— once diagnosed with a gluten intolerance, allergy, or auto-immune trigger— you will discover is hidden in JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING. Many medicines, multivitamins, beverages, sauces, lotions, shampoos (!) that have no business containing a wheat product do (some in

entertainment contracts suck but $500 K is a shitload of money, especially when you have touring and acting jobs that fall outside the non-compete clause.

there are ways to review and analyze movies that don’t involve revealing major plot beats and set pieces.

everyone wants another Indiana Jones. quit talkin that trash.

i think perhaps it is you, commander, who does not understand what you are saying

you said she holds herself to none of the ideals she preaches, is a bad person, and is the best example of this literary theory with which you are obsessed. i’d say all 3 of those are fairly extreme and rather offensive— even with a smattering of political positions and a wiki page to support you. i’d suggest you dig

i know you weren’t calling for a fatwa bc no one reads kinja comment threads so that doesn’t even make sense. you used violent language and, furthermore, stated firmly that “it’s increasingly clear that she holds herself to none of the ideals she wrote about” which is WRONG, and that “she is bad” which is not only

so’s eugenics. (a) capitalize the “concept” if you don’t want to have it taken literally. (b) cite a source if you want people to appreciate the historical concept. (c) you’re still wrong, as her social media outreach alone has echoed much of what she preached in Potter. (d) it’s beyond absurd to suggest she is the

if your issue with depp is his violence against women maybe don’t use violent language against women to make your point. rowling’s current series is really good and her social media presence is important to many. there have been far worse late career developments from famous authors in the past, including criminality.