
But can it tell us when we were unhooked?

When I saw the show 'Twining' on the list, I got really excited. A show about tea!!!! Then I read the description and was disappointed.

You didn't dream it. Is it the nose cutting scene???

How cathartic for Jane Wyman! (just kidding, Lana Turner seems ok in the sense that any famous person I don't know personally seems ok)

I think the first 'bitch' was uttered by Phoebe Cates in Lace. I remember that being a big deal when she asked 'which one of you bitches is my mother?"

But was there a montage??

Didn't notice the 'w' in "SJW" and I thought you were referring, somehow, to Sarah Jessica Parker. I was on the verge of being upset about you dragging her into this mess. That is all. Please carry on.


Christian movies, Christian books, Christian pop music…No wonder they're banking on heaven to save them from the hell of their culture of Christian crap.

Since I like him so much, I'm really hoping the inspector followed Ethan to the Witches Castle and will help out. Also, I was absurdly pleased that Vanessa and Ethan each got their own shovel. What a pair!

Our time of taking him seriously has come to a middle.

I wonder if Ethan is not responsible for the deaths at the Inn ( and the other people from last season). His speech about the Apache and him saying something about realizing his life is not more important than others (something to that effect) makes me think that something else is going on. I still think he's a wolf