
Agreed. Dan Savage actually has a pretty good take on third party candidates. They need to actually do stuff, and they need to start small. If you want the presidency one day, start with your local dog-catcher and utilities and school boards and work your way up, but you CAN NOT just start with running for

Heh. She’s never going to learn how to sing.

She earned my eternal admiration for elbowing that guy who assaulted her. Also, my eyes are hooded, too, so we have that in common. #ImWithHer

Whatev if I was Gigi hot i’d do awkward mom dancing down the runway and dare anyone to say a word

I would also like to submit:

I love how much I am getting to use this GIF :)

Look this is just another stupid he said/she said she said she said she said she said she said she said.

Michelle Obama gives a speech with such honesty that Republican and Democrat alike are floored for days and can do nothing but slow clap.

Melania gives an interview where she dutifully repeats the talking points that imply her husband was a 59 year old ‘boy’ subject to peer pressure, and there are protests in the

The words spray painted on the building were spelled correctly. It might not have been a Trump supporter.

Agreed! I’m a staunch liberal democrat, but I do not want to live in a country in which the political parties are so polarized we can’t even talk to each other. This country was founded on compromise and we need to start working together. Its normal to have differing beliefs.

The votes would likely just be tossed out. People assume if your state allow write in candidates (not all of them do! mine does not), that the state will count the votes for every “candidate” that’s written in. This is not true. Only 8 states will count write-in votes for candidates who haven’t registered

Although I’d respect her far more if she cast a vote for Hills, I’ll take 2 principled Navarros over 1 unprincipled and immature Stein voter any day of the week.

I just saw this a few minutes ago, and thought it perfectly summed up his mindset. Women=Give them a kiss. Blacks (any minority)=Keep them at arm lengths away.

I completely disagree. If he just ignored Trump’s disgusting comments, or changed the subject, or just did a steely gaze with a raised eyebrow, NOTHING would have happened to his job. I’m sick of these cowardly excuses.

No, you’re right, it’s not a coincidence that these reports are coming 26 days before Election Day, Don. YOU’RE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

I wish Trump would come for Michelle. See how his entire campaign explodes in his fucking face.

“Our nations leaders should meet basic standards of human decency.”

Her genius is never letting his name skip past her teeth. She is demoting him to the base animal he is and deserves to be thought. You only hear proper names in praise from her. Hillary she praises, “Barack” (her term not mine) she praises, Bill she praises. If you notice she also only uses their first names as to

michelle not letting his name pass her lips? that is golden shade. every time she talks about him without talking about him it gets better. the microphone tap is probably more of a drag.