Anyone who thinks JJ Abrams is to blame for the problems of the Trek Franchise needs to be reminded that Nemesis happened.
I think we need to clarify terms. While bad for the Republican party, and terrible for the country, it’s a great result for the Tea party which is presumably why it was being suggested as a potential model for Democratic insurgents.
Here’s what it comes down to: is health care a right or not?
A million times this. I’m “demisexual,” which is a word I think is dumb and never use. But on the other hand, I’ve been with my partner for 15 years, so who really cares. It’s easy for me not to need or value the word.
Hey there, and welcome to your Savage Lovecast review for the week of September 12. Now that we know Ted Cruz’s pr0n predilection, I need some mind bleach to erase the image of Cruz jacking off. So, to the extent you’re comfortable with sharing, I want to know what’s in your erotic imagination right now. What’s…
Sheeplauncher has been keeping up his Lovecast summaries post-Kinjapocalypse. I wouldn’t be surprised if the later Savage Love posting time delays his post, though. Even the SL comment section’s most dedicated pervs are probably asleep at 4:00 AM.
I enjoyed the Baroque Cycle, but he definitely has those tendencies. For real masturbatory bloat you can’t beat Reamde, where all the interesting ideas are buried behind pages and pages of dull gun talk. That man needs an editor, and that editor needs a blowtorch.
What an utterly wretched publication this once illustrious news-paper has become! I am quite of the mind that the entire lot of your are liars and charlatans.
Well, it depends who specifically said “we’ll do discovery.” I’ve worked for a few different content-focused sites and in precisely none of them does tech get to decide what projects get undertaken, although in the better ones, tech was given about 20% of the working hours to pick its own projects (mainly refactoring…
“Do discovery around it” == “insufficient monetization potential”
I certainly don’t blame you.
Thanks Sean,
This, exactly. I’m a content strategist who dabbles in front-end. I also just transitioned a site with tens of thousands of pages to a new theme. so I get it, it’s a big deal and you don’t always see things until you’re live.
Look, if you’re not going to snark at us in your reply comments, then I don’t know why I’m even here!
I was in charge of content for a site that didn’t pull in 10% of the traffic that AVC gets. We did have well over a decade’s worth of content to move, though, so when we migrated platforms we tested EVERYTHING, repeatedly. Sure, we missed a stray link here or there, but we were 95% sure that the user experience was…
They did launch a beta site, I stumbled across it by mistake about a week ago. It’s even still active (not sure if it’s kosher to post the link). As far as I can tell they just used it to try a few simple formatting ideas and to ensure that the writing staff’s accounts worked OK.
I am a web-dev, and I’m only more baffled by this transition now.
It’d be great if you all could add the basic ability of letting us change our account password.