
I can't believe we managed to segue this into a conversation on something of cultural value somehow. Bravo, people.

Again, you're comparing this to things that have some kind of redeeming quality.

And he actually divested his company assets.

The AV Club
"this is in no way an original or profound notion"

Hey, it's not our fault you insist on offending the rest of the galactic community.

If enough of the state legislatures tip red to call a constitutional convention, it's probably only a matter of time before they start looking for ways to stick sponsored content in there.

I really wish neo-Know Nothing had caught on. Well, no: I wish there hadn't been enough of these guys to warrant giving them a label, but barring that…

Jefferson also mastered the art of the humblebrag: "President? Me? I am but a simple farmer. Although if someone did offer me the job…" Trump thinks humility means not talking about himself for a whole minute.

The computer simulation theory is my last remaining sliver of hope there is some kind of reason and order to the universe, even if we don't get to experience the benefits.

I'm not really seeing why it would take more than fifteen minutes to confirm that no, it wasn't a serious threat; yes, she recognizes why it might have been viewed that way; yes, she's sorry; no, it won't happen again. Hell, the only reason for it to take fifteen and not five is just to impress the serious part.

Still seems like the obvious solution would be for her to tell him how frequently she's comfortable having him stay over at this point in the relationship, and let him know where to buy a comfier mattress of his own for those nights when he has to go back to his own apartment.

I don't see why everyone's giving her such a hard time. Ygritte didn't know, either.

Beats the hell out of avocado.

I report hate speech when I see it, regardless of who said it. But if complaining to Twitter did a damn thing, your boy would've gotten kicked off long ago.

The husband's been making noises about cancelling his subscription anyway. I think this might finally tip him over the edge.

I don't want to hear another damn word from any conservatives about Kathy Griffin or Julius Caesar until they denounce this just as stridently. So not another damn word.

To be fair, they do have the compelling characters and some sort of plot part covered.

You'd think any pitch involving Fifty Shades would be enough of a warning by itself.

It's okay. Have an eggroll and let us entertain you.

That book should be required reading for anyone who feels like having kids is just what you do when you've been married long enough. Or who insists on pressuring other married people.