
I’m always cautious about the doing it from love and protectiveness defense. Too many parents view their own children, not as developing people but, as objects upon which to place their own insecurities on to. You don’t need tech to do this, but the mother in this story clearly put herself in that category when she

Relax. It was the nice lady trucker from nosedive.

I don’t know how I’d feel if my 15 year old daughter was impregnated by an older coke dealer, but certainly being honest about invading her privacy and obtaining the morning after pill for her to take knowingly rather than dosing her is an understandable choice.

I don’t believe in his beard, I think he just pried open a Wooly Willy and sprinkled it on his chin.

In a weekend where N.E.R.D. and Brockhampton just dropped two late year contenders for AOTY, this album seems especially lame and out-of-date in comparison. With all the great current producers and rappers Eminem could have collabed with, the fact that every beat on here is either some milquetoast Alex Da Kid/Skylar

If only William S. Burroughs were still around to read this aloud.

Why would it be troubling to visualize the President of the United States, jowls quivering in anticipation, hunched over a Big Mac? His short, grease-flecked sausage-like fingers scrabble at the lump of congealing oil and dead animal matter. Slowly his tongue slithers out to leave a layer of viscous slime on his

Wow, an opportunity to post what nobody asked for: SpaceCop’s Black Mirror S3 ratings!

YES. I absolutely want a season 4. and 5. and 6 and....


I’m black, and I don’t buy this argument.

I don’t use that word, I find it offensive and hurtful just so we’re clear here. Singing along to a song that gets me going is another thing altogether. And you don’t get to choose what words people can say or use, you know, whole free speech thing. Likewise, none of us are free from the consequences of our use of

He probably just wanted someone to see his penis to remind him what it looked like.

Singer’s had accusers before, and I believe they’ve happened to be provably false accusations every time. At least in one instance a guy accused Singer of molesting him at a party in Hollywood at a time when Singer was on set in Hawaii.

Let’s not politicize the way this administration is going to kill us all

You can have sympathy for Feldman and still think crowdfunding a 10m film is the wrong way to go about things

Really? I thought it was an awful performance

If he had bought robot Pinot Grigio for her to drink when he was at work then he might still be alive.

im married.

and im not exactly talked out of a robot wife now. even if it means her becoming self aware and murdering me.

Love Com Truse and all this ‘Future-Retro’ music genre that’s been slowly lumbering like a pop-culture Godzilla into the town square the last decade or so.