Ms. Match

I've been there too. Glad you're taking care of yourself and that you have a good support system. Be well!

I just hope that IF there's something on the other side like in 'What Dreams May Come' that he'll end up right away in his dream reality - no punishing suicides please. I didn't like that aspect of the movie. It was v. depressing and unsettling. What kind of mercy would that be? Anyway, I'm just trying to say that I'd

This! The Fisher King is such an underrated movie and performance. If any actors would turn such a performance in now - the Oscar and Globe would be theirs. Watch it if you haven't before.

I cried when I found out. I don't think I ever did that before over a celebrity. But his work helped me trough a dark time in my life. I feel so sad he couldn't get out his own dark space… You'll be missed Robin, you gave me so many laughs, but I also cried my eyes out watching some of your movies. I was stunned by