
IKR? Also, the poor woman has two kids under the age of four. She must be exhausted AND she’s got to plan out a cuckold scenario?? How easy is that to even fit into the calendar? SHE’S GOT SHIT TO DO, MAN. JESUS! I’ve got to wonder how easy he makes this for her beyond whining about it.

people really need to move on from these bangs of hers. Gwenny Inhat’s hair and face is no picnic either. I’m sure your hair - Cyrils Cashmere Sweater Vests is just the best too

I mean I do not shave my pubic area but I do shave my legs so it is relevant to me; I don’t understand the confusion here?

I have a Billie and I like it. I use that Billie to shave my calves and knees but very rarely my thighs or pubic region. I don’t think it’s a terribly conflicted ad—I think they mean that shaving is not an all-or-nothing grooming procedure. No one likes capitalism, but using feel-good ads to normalize bodies is an

Dear god.  Why’d I even ready this?

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

I’m embarrased for this artist, in that she isn’t particularly familiar with the history of her oeuvre.

I did EXACTLY the same thing in college for a photography assignment on sex, 1997. It was lazy on my part and got graded accordingly. This has been done endlessly and is very unoriginal on everyone’s part.

I’ve seen A LOT of fruit-sex analogy in art, dating back well before this artist’s oeuvre. Many of them were art students or otherwise fairly unacknowledged local artists, etc, indicating to me that the idea itself definitely isn’t unique enough to any one artist to claim this as appropriative.

Thumbs into the eyes works too - I blinded my attempted rapist 20 years ago when I was just 19 - he was focused only on pinning my body and forgot about my hands .. I didn’t make the mistake of trying to punch him in the head because that would’ve forced him to protect his head.. first thing I did without hesitation

This is my dream, to be strong enough to fight off rapists and harassers. Life would be far less terrifying for women if we could do that.

The assault on Lois Rinna happened in 1960. He was later convicted in 1970 and sent away for 7 years. They let him out again and from 1979–1981 he raped and murdered 5 more women. In 1988 he was sentenced to death and he’s been on deathrow ever since. He was then convicted of 2 more murders and there is evidence that

Except your last paragraph has been countered by leadership with the new DCCC rules, which effectively helps to keep in place moderate-conservative Democrats in progressive districts. It’s almost like leadership doesn’t want the party to move left because they are beholden to the same powerful interests as

I’ve been thinking about it a lot since these articles started, and I’m going to go ahead and make my call: The Winds of Winter is the best episode of the show.  It’s hands down the best “post-book” episode, but I think that in general it is also the show at its strongest.  The Sept explosion is only one of several

That is actually not a trail but one created from all of the people walking off the main trail. If you check this dude’s account you can see how these types of trails are created. ironic she is preaching respecting nature on a trail that was created from people not respecting it. 

If the post you’re referencing is the one from March 19, her kid was not on an official trail, but on a “user-created trail”. Those are what happen when people step off the official trail, trample the plants, and compact the soul so they can’t grow back.

Literally everyone has been a kid. It’s not problematic the way  that say, insulting a race, religion, orientation, etc is because if it’s an affront to anyone, it’s an affront to everyone.

People ARE animals. If you get your feathers ruffled with internet commenters comparing children to animals, you’re clearly just out looking for things to be offended by. Lighten up.

Also, should I post this four times?

to pets, yes. 

What you should do is start talking to your other friends about how cheap she is behind her back. Really build up some animosity. Then if you ever go out together again, ask for split checks, but only 2 of them. One for the table and one for her. And if you’re in line for coffee tell Claire and Alice to go ahead and