Serious question stemming from James blunt’s photo: what's are breakfast beans like in England? Like... Are they... Sweet? What's the base for them? I hate to be so very American, I'm just trying to understand the whole beans and eggs thing...
Serious question stemming from James blunt’s photo: what's are breakfast beans like in England? Like... Are they... Sweet? What's the base for them? I hate to be so very American, I'm just trying to understand the whole beans and eggs thing...
I once was flying from DC to Vegas on a Friday, mid-morning. I sat with several strippers. Apparently it’s not uncommon for dancers to fly out to Vegas on the weekend and make a shit ton of money. Anyway, I’m terrified of flying and proceeded to order several bourbon and cokes. My hand was shaking so hard (fear, not…
She deserved every penny. I'm seriously considering c section on demand because every though I know they could fuck some other part of my body up (since it's a major surgery and everything) my vagina will still be okay.
Maaaannn... Who is his attorney? That dude should have waited it out. $750000 was the best they could get for a broke dick? Fuuuuuck that.
I agree I don’t think it’s JPP’s camp. But... ***TINHAT ALERT*** The only way I could see him benefiting from a leak of this info is if it wasn’t true. He wasn’t happy with the contract the Giants offered apparently, and if he thinks they will let him go because he’s missing a finger maybe he rolls the dice and leaks…
So first let me say, I believe the women. Without question. No doubt.
Please name religions that cause/do not kill boners.
Agreed. I’m a Unitarian. Not nutty. But I was raised Catholic. Raising from the dead after three days? Cuckoo-kachoo.
So the money bugs me too, when you put it up against other religions. If, however, you compare to how much you’d pay for an Ivy League education, or an MBA, i.e. networking opportunities for most other career paths) than the cost isn’t that absurd.
I hear you (assuming you’re talking about Scientology). But I have a theory about her and some other Scientologists.
Can I make this with Rye? (I’m always looking for ways to be more pretentious.)
Nina Simone gave me my first artistic awakening as a kid. I remember the first time I heard her version of Wild is the Wind at 13 and I just wept. I’m not a singer or musician, but to hear someone perform like that, to lay bare their entire being in just 5 minutes... it was truly life-changing for me.
In our little lesbian family we don’t divide things by gender. Whoever does it best,does it. My lovely wife can’t fix a damn thing, and I’m as cliche as they come with my toolbelt. She spots me on the ladder.
This beer is fucking delicious. Also highly recommend Shiner’s Christmas Cheer. If I remember correctly it’s made with Texas peaches and pecans. It’s awesome. All their beers are light and delicious. And I can drink several without getting full.
I wonder if that appearance helped push her in to the legal profession (I’m at work so I can’t watch the clip - sorry if she mentions that). Because if this taste of televised courtroom drama made Marilyn Mosby realize her interest and talent in the field of law, god bless you Judge Judy. And your fair (but sort of…
I sort of feel like social media is in some ways responsible for “appointment television”. Because people are such douchebags and post spoilers. And Facebook’s trending section is the reason I take off work when OITNB is released, because if I don’t watch the whole thing I have to do a social media blackout until I do.
Why is that the “girls will be girls” mentality always dumps all responsibility of a situation on said girl, but “boys will be boys” completely alleviates said boy from any consequences?
Keep your head up and keep up the good fight. You are doing valuable work. God bless you.
I feel like in some ways this is sort of specific to New York City men. I used to work in Manhattan (southern transplant) and during a lunch break asked my entire office if anyone knew where there was a hardware store in the neighborhood. They were all dumbfounded. When I explained that I needed to replace a light…
I’ve never been into anything from Shonda Rhimes. Still her cheerleader because she deserves it, but her style is generally not my thing. BUT, you put Mireille Enos in anything and I will fucking eat it up with a spoon.